A LaTeX deluxetable generator. --Ahem-- Behold! The Deluxe-Table-anator! — Python Source, 7 KB (7786 bytes)
File contents
''' A module/class for creating LaTeX deluxetable's. In a nutshell, you create a table instance, add columns, set options, then call the pring method.''' import numpy import sigfig import os,string,re,sys import types float_types = [types.FloatType, numpy.float16, numpy.float32, numpy.float64, numpy.float128] class Table: def __init__(self, numcols, justs=None, fontsize=None, rotate=False, tablewidth=None, tablenum=None, caption=None, label=None): self.numcols = numcols self.justs = justs if self.justs is None: self.justs = ['c' for i in range(numcols)] else: self.justs = list(justs) if len(self.justs) != numcols: raise ValueError, "Error, justs must have %d elements" % (numcols) for just in self.justs: if just not in ['c','r','l']: raise ValueError, "Error, invalid character for just: %s" % just self.fontsize = fontsize self.rotate = rotate self.tablewidth = tablewidth self.tablenum = None self.caption = caption self.label = label self.col_justs = [] self.headers = [] self.header_ids = [] # is a list of data. Each element of the list corresponds # to a separate "secton" of the table, headed by self.data_labels # Each element of data should be a list of self.numcols items. = [] self.data_labels = [] self.data_label_types = [] self.sigfigs = [] self.nrows = [] def add_header_row(self, headers, cols=None): '''Add a header row to the table. [headers] should be a list of the strings that will be in the header. [cols], if specified, should be a list of column indexes. If [cols] is None, it is assummed the headers are in order and there are no multicolumns. If cols is specified, you can indicate the the ith header spans several columns by setting the ith value of cols to a 2-tuple of first and last columns for the span.''' if cols is None: if len(headers) != self.numcols: raise ValueError, "Error, headers must be a list of length %d" %\ self.numcols self.headers.append(headers) self.header_ids.append(range(self.numcols)) else: ids = [] for item in cols: if type(item) is types.IntType: ids.append(item) elif type(item) is types.TupleType: ids += range(item[0],item[1]+1) ids.sort if ids != range(self.numcols): raise ValueError, "Error, missing columns in cols" self.headers.append(headers) self.header_ids.append(cols) return def add_data(self, data, label="", sigfigs=2, labeltype='cutin'): '''Add a matrix of data. [data] should be a list with length equal to the number of columns of the table. Each item of [data] should be a list or numpy array. A list of strings will be inserved as is. If a column is a 1-D array of float type, the number of significant figures will be set to [sigfigs]. If a column is 2D with shape (N,2), it is treated as a value with uncertainty and the uncertainty will be rounded to [sigfigs] and value will be rounded accordingly, and both will be printed with parenthetical errors. If a label is given, it will be printed in the table with \cutinhead if labeltype is 'cutin' or \sidehead if labeltype is 'side'.''' if type(data) is not types.ListType: raise ValueError, "data should be a list" if len(data) != self.numcols: raise ValueError, \ "Error, length of data mush match number of table columns" for datum in data: if type(datum) not in [types.ListType, numpy.ndarray]: raise ValueError, "data must be list of lists and numpy arrays" if len(numpy.shape(datum)) not in [1,2]: raise ValueError, "data items must be 1D or 2D" nrows = numpy.shape(data[0])[0] for datum in data[1:]: if numpy.shape(datum)[0] != nrows: raise ValueError, "each data item must have same first dimension" self.nrows.append(nrows) if len(numpy.shape(sigfigs)) == 0: self.sigfigs.append([sigfigs for i in range(self.numcols)]) else: if len(numpy.shape(sigfigs)) != 1: raise ValueError, \ "sigfigs must be scalar or have same length as number of columns" self.sigfigs.append(sigfigs) self.data_labels.append(label) self.data_label_types.append(labeltype) def print_table(self, fp=None): if fp is None: fp = sys.stdout elif type(fp) is type(""): fp = open(fp, 'w') we_open = True else: we_open = False self.print_preamble(fp) self.print_header(fp) self.print_data(fp) self.print_footer(fp) if we_open: fp.close() def print_preamble(self, fp): cols = "".join(self.justs) fp.write("\\begin{deluxetable}{%s}\n" % cols) if self.fontsize: fp.write("\\tabletypesize{%s}\n" % str(self.fontsize)) if self.rotate: fp.write("\\rotate\n") if self.tablewidth is not None: fp.write("\\tablewidth{%s}\n" % str(self.tablewidth)) else: fp.write("\\tablewidth{0pc}\n") if self.tablenum: fp.write("\\tablenum{%s}\n" % str(self.tablenum)) fp.write("\\tablecolumns{%d}\n" % self.numcols) if self.caption: if self.label: lab = "\\label{%s}" % (self.label) fp.write("\\tablecaption{%s}\n" % (str(self.caption)+lab)) def print_header(self,fp): fp.write("\\tablehead{\n") for i,headers in enumerate(self.headers): end = ['\\\\\n',''][i == len(self.headers)-1] for j,header in enumerate(headers): sep = [end,'&'][j < len(headers)-1] if len(numpy.shape(self.header_ids[i][j])) == 1: length = self.header_ids[i][j][1] - self.header_ids[i][j][0] + 1 fp.write("\\multicolumn{%d}{c}{%s} %s " % (length, header,sep)) else: fp.write("\\colhead{%s} %s " % (header,sep)) fp.write("}\n") def print_data(self,fp): fp.write("\\startdata\n") for i,data in enumerate( if self.data_labels[i] != '': if self.data_label_types == "cutin": fp.write("\\cutinhead{%s}\n" % self.data_labels[i]) else: fp.write("\\sidehead{%s}\n" % self.data_labels[i]) rows = [] for j in range(numpy.shape(data[0])[0]): rows.append([]) for k in range(len(data)): sf = self.sigfigs[i][k] if len(numpy.shape(data[k])) == 1: if type(data[k][j]) in float_types: if numpy.isnan(data[k][j]): rows[-1].append('\\ldots') else: rows[-1].append(sigfig.round_sig(data[k][j], sf)) else: rows[-1].append(str(data[k][j])) else: print data[k] if numpy.isnan(data[k][j,0]): val = "\\ldots" else: val = sigfig.round_sig_error(data[k][j,0],data[k][j,1],sf, paren=True) rows[-1].append(val) for row in rows: fp.write(" & ".join(row)) fp.write("\\\\\n") fp.write("\\enddata\n") def print_footer(self, fp): fp.write("\\end{deluxetable}\n")