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These are more general-purpose modules, intended to be imported into other python scripts.
File Python Source GLOEspy
A python implementation of Barry Madore's GLOEs algorithm. Use it to get a smooth interpolation of heterogeneously sampled 1- or 2-D data.
File Python Source fit_poly
Python module for fitting a 1- or 2-D polynomial (McLauren series) to a set of data.
File Python Source
A library of custom-made iraf-related routines. This will, of course, require you install pyaf. You also need and
File Python Source
Collection of statistics routines. These are mostly covered by scipy, but if you don't want to install scipy...
File Python Source ReadSex
Routine for reading in sextractor output.
A new version of dm15temp: python code to generate light-curve templates, based on GLoEs.
File gzip archive spline2
A python wrapper for spline2 (aka hyper-spline) by B. Thijsse et al. Uses the Durbin-Watson statistic rather than chi-square as a test for the number of knots in the approximating spline, which is supposed to be less sensitive to incorrect variances in the data. Requires Numeric python.
File Python Source
A LaTeX deluxetable generator. --Ahem-- Behold! The Deluxe-Table-anator!
File Python Source
a python module to handle rounding up to a specific number of significant figures.
File Python Source
A python class that generates javascript-based flot plot output.
File Python Source