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- Cosmos 2.19 release: important bug fixes and improvements for longslit data; fixed bug in extract-2dspec so that 'edge' parameter now works; fixed bugs in defineobs that arise when loading an obsdef file; updated biasflat so that the gain values are no longer input by user; corrected slit width in longslit SMF files
- Cosmos 2.18 release: updated files and programs to accommodate new camera at f/4; fixed bug in main programs that arises when long paths are stored in COSMOS_IMAGE_DIR and COSMOS_PAR_DIR; updated defineobs to no longer ask for a date, but have all the dewar choices under the camera drop-down menu; updated defineobs.html documentation to reflect these changes
- Cosmos 2.17 release: added Makefile-ldss3.Mac-Intel for building ldss3-pattern on Macs running Mac OS X 10.6.x and later; updated Makefile.x86_64 for Fedora 13 and later; fixed bug in adjust-offset that affected some of the dewoff files; updated documentation with additional tips for installing COSMOS on Mac OS X 10.6.x (Snow Leopard) and later, and on Fedora 13 or later; updated Running.html (Installing and running COSMOS) and FAQ.html (Frequently Asked Questions) documentation pages; updated default .obsdef files in $COSMOS_HOME/examples/obsdef to have D_ALIGNROT also, to be consistent with what defineobs outputs
- Cosmos 2.16 release: updated defineobs GUI to enable the user to edit the "Disperser Misalignment" (D_ALIGNROT); updated align-mask to warn users if more than 3 lines are used in the input line list file; updated Cookbook to include another step of spot-checking the features before proceeding with align-mask; updated all Makefiles so that the Fortran compiler can be edited within the Makefile for compiling the libraries
- Cosmos 2.15 release: updated align-mask to be compatible with data sets with less than 8 chips; updated map-spectra to specify number of chips being read in; updated Sflats and subsky for smaller data sets; included log file of session run with IMACS_sc sample data to supplement Cookbook; updated Cookbook, FAQ documentation pages
- Cosmos 2.14 release: updated Makefile.Mac-Intel for building Cosmos on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard); added parameter in align-mask.par which gives the ability to modify the PGPLOT window size; corrected uninitialized array problem in adjust-map; updated documentation to include tips for compiling your own binaries on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
- Cosmos 2.13 release: new fp2ccd and E2V dewdef files added to replace the preliminary files in the 2.12 release; reduced the incidence of numerical errors in adjust-map
- Cosmos 2.12 release: corrected the header output for logarithmic wavelength binning (CDELT1) for extract-2dspec
- Cosmos 2.11 release: added the new red 300 line grism (300R); included ALIGNROT (to compensate for the rotation of the grism) for IMACS data in the opticdef.dat file; minimized various issues with adjust-map; solved a major bug in the mapping of distortions for Xdisper=0 data in chips 5-8.
- COSMOS 2.10 release: added E2V dewdef; added corrections for the N&S grism rotation; added line-curvature fitting to adjust-map, now works with longslit data; added option to run subsky without sky subtraction; added robust clipping to align-mask; added SMF files for standard longslit masks for LDSS3; added Makefile for 64-bit architectures; fixed pointer array issues with 64-bit architectures; fixed binning in stitch; fixed missing header keyword datasec in stitch