stitch combines 2-amplifier or 4-amplifier LDSS3 data into single-chip format, simultaneously removing bias and making approximate corrections for differing amplifier gains.
USAGE | stitch framename
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INPUT | framenamecn.fits are the set of image files to be combined
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OUTPUT | framename.fits is the combined frame.
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stitch makes bias and gain corrections in the same way as does biasflat. The COSMOS pipeline expects LDSS3 data to be in 1-amplifier, 1 FITS file form, so stitch must be used before any other processing of LDSS3 files is performed.
**For newer 2-amplifier LDSS3-C data (taken April 2014 or later), you will need to set dewar to LDSS3C-2.
Note, that the IRAF routine lstitch is NOT an acceptable alternative to stitch: lstitch using an inferior IRAF method of bias correction and does not combine data in the same orientation as does stitch.