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MIKE Pipeline Command-Line Arguments

Documentation of command-line arguments.

Note: objects in CAPS are fields the user must supply.



mikedb -d DATADIR [options...]

Command Line Arguments:

-d DATADIRdirectory of data
-gzoption for gzipped fits files


  1. Directory with fits files.
    mikedb -d /data1/example/directory
  2. Directory with gzipped fits files.
    mikedb -d /data1/example/directory -gz



mikesetup -db DATABASE TARGET(S) [options...]
mikesetup -db DATABASE -all [options...]

Command Line Arguments:

-allgenerates pipelines for all targets
-blueoption generates pipelines for blue frames
-db DATABASEdatabase file
-flatblue FLATBLUElocation to a specific flatblue frame
-flatkey FLATSTRINGstring to search for flat frames in database file
-flatred FLATREDlocation to a specific flatred frame
-fringe FRINGElocation to a specific fringe frame
-fringekey FRINGESTRINGstring to search for fringe frames in database file
-individualseparate extractions
-lampblue LAMPBLUElocation to a specific lampblue frame
-lampkey LAMPSTRINGstring to search for lamp frames in database file
-lampred LAMPREDlocation to a specific lampred frame
-logboption bins extracted spectra logarithmically in wavelength
-mk MAKEFILEcreates a makefile for multiple targets
-noslitfnoption skips the generation and usage of a slit function
-orderkey ORDERSTRINGstring to search for order frames in database file
-redoption generates pipelines for red frames
-slitblue SLITBLUElocation to a specific slitblue frame
-slitred SLITREDlocation to a specific slitred frame


  1. Mikesetup generating pipeline for ngc3201-e1.
    mikesetup -db directory.db ngc3201-e1 -red
  2. Mikesetup generating pipelines for all red targets in the database directory.
    mikesetup -db directory.db -red -all
  3. Mikesetup generating pipelines for all red and blue targets in the database directory.
    mikesetup -db directory.db -red -blue -all
  4. Mikesetup generating pipelines for all red and blue targets in the database directory and creating a Makefile.
    mikesetup -db directory.db -red -blue -all -mk Makefile
  5. Mikesetup generating pipelines for specific flatkey, orderkey, fringekey and lampkey.
    mikesetup -db directory.db -flatkey quartzflatw_milky -orderkey quartzflatw_omilky 
    -fringekey dome -lampkey thar -red -blue -all
