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File contents

		Mask Generation Software 


    The software to make multi-slit masks is modular in nature, and
    consists of several relatively independent executable programs.
    These may be executed independently, or combined by the use of
    shell scripts.  One module may also invoke a later one by use
    of a system command.  This structure enables things to be started
    at any of the logical break points without needing to start over
    and re-execute from the beginning.

    During development, this structure appears more modular than it
    will in the final polished version, where a unified control will
    blend the modules together.

General Concepts:

    Each mask has a "mask name", which is a short (limited to <= 8
    characters) and simple (no spaces, no special characters) name
    for the mask.  It is used in file names (hence the no special
    character restriction) and as a command line argument to specify
    which mask to operate on.  The name is also engraved on the mask
    itself, and serves to distinguish it from other masks.  The name
    of the observer (up to 16 characters) is also engraved on the
    mask, so everyone knows who's mask it is.  In the documentation,
    the notation <maskname> is often used to show where this name
    goes in a file name or program command.

    There is a series of files, all plain ASCII text, and all can
    be edited by a standard text editor.  The mask name forms part
    of the file name for each of them, and these files are processed
    by the software to produce the actual mask, and later for the
    observing and data reduction tasks.  It is through these files
    that data about the mask generation process flows between the
    individual program modules.  All files contain a security status
    line at the end, with the software release, a file checksum, and
    a signature for files created with released software.  Do not
    remove this line, it allows the software to detect tampering
    with the files and to reject files with unauthorized alterations.

    Each individual program takes as a command line argument the
    mask name, or the equivalent file name.  There are some command
    line options available.  Using "program -h" will give a brief
    help display showing what options are available.

To make a mask (overview):

    Use the "intgui" command.  The mask (observation file) name is
    an argument to this command.  This GUI produces the observation
    file used by mask generation.

    Once the observation file is created, use the "maskgen" command,
    which takes the mask (observation file) name as an argument.
    This produces a SMDF file as output.

    The <maskname>.SMF file is what gets sent to Las Campanas for
    the actual cutting of the physical mask.

    When the <maskname>.SMF has been created, the "maskcut" command
    may be used to produce a I<maskname> file containing the
    actual laser cutting commands.  This file may be examined by
    the "ncplot maskname" command to look for errors.  The "maskcut"
    step is normally done by the staff at Las Campanas for the
    production mask (IMACS masks only).

    At observing time, the <maskname>.SMF file will be useful to
    see where to set the telescope, the rotation angle at which to 
    position the instrument, the grating angle, and other things.
    It is also useful for data reduction.


    > intgui
     ...  Observation file [return for new]: <CR>
    Fill in the GUI.  Put "F123M2" (example; use your own name) in the 
    Observ. File window as the mask name.
    Save and exit the GUI when all filled in.  Creates F123M2.obs
    To edit further, do "intgui F123M2"
    > maskgen F123M2
    A mask file will be created, as F123M2.SMF.
    This file is your final output, and would be sent to Las Campanas
    for the cutting of your mask.

    To check this mask, two utilities could be used:
	> smdfps F123M2
	Makes a file F123M2.PS from the F123M2.SMF file; it may be printed
	as a hard copy view of your mask.
	NOTE that smdfps is not available in Mac-OS-X distributions.
	> smdfplt F123M2
	Creates an interactive plot of the features to be cut in the mask;
	they should look correct.
    > maskcut  F123M2
    The mask cutting program then creates, which
    is suitable for the laser cutting machine.
    > ncplot -t F123M2
    Gives an interactive plot of the mask cutting operation.
    Once you believe that the mask is correct, have the operator
    produce the mask from the "" file.
    >> The latter 2 steps are for error detection only.  In practice,
    it is the file F123M2.SMF which is sent to Las Campanas for the
    production of your mask.

That's the quick introduction.  There are (very) many details.  Here
are some of them, organized in approximately the order in which they
are used.  However, you will need to know about all of them to be a
really proficient mask designer...

Interface GUI controls:

Menus and buttons in the top row of the Interface GUI control its
operation.  The first, labeled "File" controls the saving of the data
to the .obs file.  It has options "Save" -- to save the data to the
current file, "Save As" to save the data to a file with a specified name,
"Save Exit" to both save the data and exit, "Quit nosav" to immediately
quit without any questions and no save of data, and "Exit" to simply exit
the program without (optionally) saving the latest changes.

The second control, labeled "Options" controls the optional features, 
which are explained further below.  Currently, the options are "Skywin"
for a sky window plot similar to the one used to select guide stars at
the telescope, and "IFU" for support of the Integral Field Unit feature
of IMACS.  Other options may be added in the future.

The third control, labeled "MaskGen" is simply a button to do a trial run
of the "maskgen" program and return to the Interface GUI.  Doing this will
save the current data to the currently named file, execute the "maskgen"
task with the "quick look" option, and return.  If insufficient data is
currently present in the GUI to do a "maskgen" run, a message will appear
showing the first reason found.  There may be several such reasons, but
only one will be displayed.  Also, the "quick look" option passed to the
"maskgen" task to suppress debug message display, normal data display,
some features which take extra time, and most importantly, the creation
of the output .SMF file.  A full "maskgen" run is required to create that
output file, and to implement all the features of "maskgen" to actually
make masks for observing.

The "intgui" parameters:

When started without an argument, or a name which can't be found
in the directory, the program asks for a file name, or just a
<cr> to start with a default parameter set.  This default set is
quite basic, and has strange names for the mask and observer; also
a position which is quite impossible.  You will need to fill these
things in.  Later, use the mask name as an argument to start where
you left off in editing that .obs file.

The first parameter given to "intgui" is the mask name, the ".obs" 
part of the file name is supplied by the program.  The observation
file MUST have the suffix ".obs" and this is enforced by the "intgui"
program when it reads and writes the file.  The easy and proper thing
to do is to simply use the mask name, and let the program supply
the ".obs" suffix automatically.  Also use the mask name as the
parameter for "maskgen", "maskcut", and "ncplot", the programs
will supply the correct suffix automatically.

In the text fields (mask name, observer name, title) you need to select
the field with the mouse and backspace over all characters to be
deleted, and then type in what you want.  No <cr> is needed there.
Remember, only 8 characters in mask name (labeled Observ. file) and
only 16 in the observer name.

The mask name may have only alphabetic and numeric characters, and no
embedded spaces.  It must serve as a part of a file name, and that file
name must be acceptable to a DOS program at a later time.  The observer
name also cannot have any embedded spaces, if any are entered they will
be replaced with underscore characters.

When entering the R.A. and Dec. it is always good form to select the
proper equinox from the pull-down menu.  A standard value such as
2000.0 is preferred, but you can put in whatever you like.  The value
for "today" is the time of mask generation, not of observation.

The R.A. and Dec. positions are special numeric fields.  When you start
entering data the field goes all red.  This indicates that a <cr> is
needed when you finish to store the data.  For R.A. and Dec. the format
is any of the following, all give -02:12:36 = -2.210
	-2 12 36
	-2 12.6
The value is changed to the format after the <cr> is entered.
For your convenience, when entering data in these fields you may use spaces
between hours (or degrees) and minutes and seconds instead of entering
a colon, after you complete the field it will be shown with the correct
colons.  Check to see that is what you ment.

The "Slit Pos. Ang." needs lots of explanation.
A position of 90 degrees means that the slit runs at position angle
90 degrees on the sky, or east-west.  This positions the instrument
itself so that the dispersion direction is north-south, and the IMACS
instrumental position angle is 0.0 in this orientation.  The latter
value is actually used in the .obs file, and the value in the file is
90 degrees less than the value in the "Slit Pos. Ang." window.
When projected onto the sky (in the optional sky window) slits will
run right to left and the dispersion up-down.  To see the position
angle and sky orientation, use the "N-vector" feature in the sky window
(enabled by default) to show the current direction of North on the sky.

When using the "N & S Mode" (see below) the value entered here is still
the slit orientation, and it will be the same as the instrument position
angle, since the dispersion direction is now 90 degrees less due to
the disperser having been rotated.  Slits projected on the sky will be
up-down instead of the usual right-left in the sky window view.

  The instrument is mounted on the telescope's Naysmith focus rotator,
which has only 360 degrees of rotation.  If driven to its limit (of 
+/-180 degrees in rotator angle) it will then need to be driven back
around by 360 degrees to start up again.  That is best avoided during
an observation.  If this would happen with the position above the
horizon, a "!ROTATOR!" appears to the right of the window to indicate
a problem.  If it happens with the object above 30 degrees altitude,
this warning is in red.  Otherwise, the "(OK)" appears.  The default
position of 90 degrees is OK at all declinations north of the latitude
of -29 degrees.  South of -29 degrees, you should replace the default
value of 90 with 270 degrees, causing the instrument to still have
dispersion north-south (actually south-north) and the slits will still
run east-west.  If your project needs a particular slit position angle,
try it, and if a rotator conflict is indicated, change it by 180
degrees to get the conflict to go away.

The actual rotation mechanism has physical limits which are not quite
180 degrees.  Currently, the software limits are -151 degrees to +177
degrees.  This means a band of 33 degrees of rotator angle is not
accessible, and positions which would produce rotator locations in
that region will produce an error indication.

The actual limitation of -151 degrees is due to a cable wrap limit on the
IMACS instrument near the zenith.  This is seldom needed during actual
observing, and could be computed independently, allowing a limit of -177
degrees; however the telescope control system currently has its rotation
limit set to -151 to prevent any slew operation from hitting this limit.
Until that restriction can be removed, we need to show the actual value
of the limits used by telescope control.

It is possible to have rotator errors, even large spans of hour angle,
above the horizon at position angles which are 180 degrees apart,
making some slit position angles difficult to observe.  For these
locations it may not be possible to make a single mask which can be
used both east and west of the meridian.

A circumpolar object which is always above the horizon will have a
rotator error location somewhere in its daily path.  Choosing a position
angle to put that rotator error far away from upper transit will be
the best that can be done.

A graphical display of the rotator problem(s) is present below the
Declination and Slit Angle windows.  It shows the object's above horizon
arc from rise (east) on the left to set (west) on the right.  Tic marks
appear every hour, larger ones at 5 hour intervals.  This band is
green where there is no problem, and a red band indicates the hour
angle(s) where the rotator has it's 180 degree problem.  Objects so far 
north as to be below the horizon will show only grey instead of a green 
bar.  And, objects which pass within 40 arc minutes of the zenith will 
have a blue dot at the meridian; observation within 40 arc minutes of the 
zenith are usually  not allowed due to the high azimuth rotation rate.
Where the rotator error band would be small, usually for positions near
the zenith where azimuth rotation is rapid, the red band will have round
ends to better indicate its position.

When a rotator error is present, a comment giving its location is
inserted in the .obs file created.

It is possible to select a position far to the north with a position
angle which produces a rotator error for the object's entire path.
Such a mask will be un-observable, and will be rejected by maskgen,
as would objects which never rise above the northern horizon.

As a new feature, the green part of the star band now shows that part
of the object's above horizon arc in which the object is also above
the 2.0 airmass altitude.  This is an indication of the lowest altitude
at which useful observations should be planned.  Nearer the horizon, a
light gray color is used.

As a further aid to planning your observations, an observing date may
be entered, and when this is specified another graphic display below
the green line will indicate the times of sunset, twilight and sunrise
on the same scale as the object's rise-transit-set arc.  In this sun
bar, yellow indicates that the sun is above the horizon, blue is twilight,
and black is astronomical twilight, with the sun below -18 degrees
altitude.  A green mark indicates solar midnight.  Also, if the date
entered is not at least 3 weeks in the future, the "Obs. Date:" label
will appear in red; if not at least 6 weeks in the future it will be
in yellow, and if 6 weeks or more in the future it will be green.
Masks will not be cut within less than 3 weeks of the observing run,
and should have special permission within 6 weeks of the start of
the run.   This date is used for planning purposes only, and
is not used in any way in mask making.  The mask created may be used
at any time the object field is observable.

A third line in the graphic section gives the moon information; in
the blue region the moon is below the horizon, in the white region the
moon is above the horizon, and transits at the time indicated by a
brown tic mark.  The percent of moon illuminated is displayed to the
right of this graphic line.  To the left of this line, the angular
distance of the moon from the field center, in degrees, is given. 
These amounts refer to the time of lunar transit, and will change
during the night.

The moon rise and set are associated with the nearest lunar transit
to the midnight ending the selected day.  Near new moon, there will be
two consecutive days on which this is the same lunar transit.

The date selected is the calendar date of the day preceding the
midnight indication on the graphic.  Things occurring after midnight
are technically on the following calendar date.

To the right of the date selection is a field for the expected Hour
Angle of observation, labeled "H.A.".  You may fill in the expected
mean hour angle in hours and decimals in this field.  It is only
active when the Differential Refraction feature has been activated.
See the section below on Differential Refraction for more information.

To define your instrument and disperser, first select from the instrument
pull-down menu the proper camera, either the f/2 or f/4.  Then, select
the disperser from the menu presented for that camera.  Finally, the
grating/grism order may be adjusted if needed.  When a new instrument is
selected, the appropriate new disperser menu is created, with nothing
yet selected, which is why disperser must be selected after instrument.

The "N & S mode" button is active only in IMACS with the f/2 camera
selected.  When activated (the box is checked) a special Nod and Shuffle
mode is selected.  The slit orientation is rotated 90 degrees on the
mask, and the "Slit Pos. Ang." field is changed to indicate this.  This
mode assumes that the special Nod and Shuffle setup has been requested
and performed, with the disperser orientation changed.  In this special
mode, there are 3 detector gaps across the spectra, but the readout
direction allows charge shuffle operations across the dispersion direction.
This feature replaces the former Nod and Shuffle orientation of the
detector array; starting in May 2007 the detector will be permanently set in
the "normal" orientation and Nod and Shuffle operation will be implemented
by rotating the disperser and making masks with rotated slits.
It is VERY IMPORTANT that the "N & S mode" and the orientation of the
disperser agree with each other.  The "N & S mode" selects the special
orientation of the disperser and rotation of the slits; it should be used
whenever the disperser is in this orientation, even if actual nod and
shuffle operation is not being done.  The "N & S mode" button has been
placed next to the disperser menu to emphasize that it is associated with
the disperser rather than the observing mode.

Please note that "N & S mode" and the "N & S" selection in the "Gaps" pull-down
are independent and must be selected independently.  This feature allows the
reproduction of existing masks and can be eliminated in the future.

There is a "Filter" menu which will be able to set the wavelength bounds
of several named filters.  Those currently included are a set of test
ranges which will be replaced in the future.  In any case, it is only the
wavelength range which is actually used.  Change the wavelength range
items individually to satisfy your observational requirements.  It is
recommended that the minimum wavelength range needed be used, too long a
range can cause more conflicts than necessary and remove objects which
could actually be usefully observed.

The wavelengths specified must be in a reasonable range, and cannot be
omitted.  A range of 3400 - 12000 Angstroms includes all the published
wavelength coverage of IMACS and LDSS spectrographs, and wavelengths of
spectrum ends, detector range ends or center wavelength values outside
this range will be rejected by the maskgen program.

There is a second set of  wavelength limits labeled "Detector range" which
are normally set equal to the primary range.  When they differ, this
second set is used only to check conflicts of the spectra with the bounds
of the detector, while the primary set is used to check conflicts between
spectra, compute the middle wavelength of the spectra, etc.  This feature
is useful to advanced observers who might have different requirements for
a wavelength range to avoid conflicts and a smaller wavelength range to
require to be on the detector.  If in doubt, let them be the same.
When changing wavelength range limits, set the primary limits first, and
the detector limits second because the primary settings are used to set
the default values for the secondary ones.

Please select the wavelength limits carefully.  If your limits and
disperser choice produce a spectrum which is longer than the size of
the detector, all your objects will be removed.  Not only that, but
the "maskgen" task will produce only an error message, no mask.

These wavelength limits have a different meaning when the Multi-Object
Echelle disperser is in use, see the discussion on that special case
disperser for details on setting wavelength limits.

If using a grating (the f/4 camera) you should select an appropriate
center wavelength.  This computes a grating angle for the instrument
set-up, based on the grating line density.  For instruments using a
grism, the center wavelength is displayed here, but cannot be entered.

The "Ex.Ord:" menu has 3 possible values.  With "- Off -" selected
(the default and recommended selection) no orders other than the specified
one are considered.  With "Reference" selected, the reference objects
have all orders of spectra considered for conflicts on the detector, and
when "- All -" is selected, all objects have all orders considered.
For most use, this should be left "Off" to maximize the number of slits
which can be used.  If you might be troubled by bright reference stars
having extra order spectra, those can be considered using the "Reference"
selection without having all the fainter object extra order spectra also.

The slit specifications are in arc seconds.  The full width of the slit
is given, and it is centered on the object.  There are two lengths, to
the "left" and "right" of the object position.  In the normal orientation,
with position angle of 90, "left" is East on the sky.

Below these slit lengths are the slit "Uncut" lengths.  Those are the
amounts of each left and right slit which are not to be cut in the mask.
This is for a special mode known as "nod-and-shuffle".  Leave these
items zero unless you are using this special mode.

These slit specifications are global defaults.  Individual specifications
for specific objects may be entered in the object catalog file(s), including
the slit width, lengths, shape and tilt.  See the "catdata.txt" file for
details on how to do this.

The "Overlap pixels" is the amount in pixels on the detector which adjacent
spectra are allowed to overlap by.  The default is a small negative number
which requires a small gap between any two spectra.  A zero value is also
a popular choice here.  A somewhat more negative value is recommended when
using the "Extend Slits" feature.

The "Extend Slits" check-box is activated (red color on) to request the
automatic slit extension feature.  This will run after the objects have
been selected, and extend slits to optimize the sky averaging.  See the
maskgen operation section for what it does.

The "Shape" menu allows specification of small holes in addition to the
usual slit.  The "Hole" entry is a circular hole, the "Box" entry is a
square hole.  Since for the latter two the width is a complete specification
of the hole, the slit length items are disabled, as is the extend slits
feature.  Some kinds of nod & shuffle operation benefit from use of either
holes or small square boxes; for most uses the slit is the preferred shape.

The reference hole size is the width and length of the square hole centered
on each reference object position.  The default provides a 2 millimeter square
hole in the mask for each reference object, and is about right.

The repeat counts require a little explanation.
Many users have very crowded fields, and cannot get even a majority of
their objects on a single mask.  They want to make multiple masks, with
different objects on each one.  For this purpose, the mask generation
program produces a file, "<maskname>.obw" which is in the object catalog
format and includes for each object the count of the number of times that
object has appeared on a mask.  This file is then used as input for the
"next" mask in place of the original catalog file.  The repeat count is
then the number of times an object is allowed to be repeated for this
mask.  An object whose current use count exceeds the repeat count allowed
is marked to not be used for the mask.  Usually, a repeat count of zero
is selected, those objects with a use count of 1 (they got used on one
of the previous masks) are then not used, and objects with a use count
of 0 are considered for the mask.

Since reference objects actually HAVE to be present, their repeat count
is defined separately to allow reference objects to appear on the later
masks in the set.

The "Ref. Limit" parameter allows a large list of possible reference
stars to produce only a limited number of actual reference holes on the
final mask.  After the reference objects have been limited by their
use count, and whether they can be on the mask, and optionally whether
they actually appear on the detector, the program will 
remove reference objects uniformly until only (Ref. Limit) of them
exist as active reference objects in mask making.  The default value of
99 is really quite high; they will not be reduced below a lower limit
of 4 which is the minimum number for a good alignment in observing.
This replaces the older "Ref. Sel." parameter, which is still supported
as a value in the .obs file for compatibility with existing data, but
will become obsolete in the future.  It is documented below.

Reference objects were formerly removed uniformly by their placement
in the list of objects.  A new algorithm has been introduced to
remove excess reference objects by removing the least isolated such
object first, and continuing to remove the remaining least isolated
one until the limit count is reached.  In this context, "least
isolated" means that object with the minimum sum of distances to
the nearest n objects, where n is the lesser of 3 or (reflim - 1).
This algorithm is observed to produce a spatially uniform distribution
of objects covering the maximum possible area on the sky.  This may
not minimize interference with desired observation objects, if there
are such interferences, the user should remove the interfering
reference objects explicitly.

Users are strongly cautioned that use of the obsolete yet still
supported "REFSEL" parameter will reduce the number of reference
objects available to the reference limit procedure.  These two
things should not be used together.

Also, the choice of objects to be selected or removed to reach the
(Ref. Limit) value is uniform with respect to the input list, not
with respect to two dimensional position on the sky.

(Obsolete description of older "Ref. Sel." parameter removed.  In the
future, this obsolete method will no longer be supported.)

The "MustHave" window specifies a priority at and above which an object
is immune from removal due to conflict.  Higher priorities are numerically
smaller.  The default value id -2.0.

The "Pdecide" window specifies a priority below which objects will be
scanned and removed based on number of conflicts.  The node with the
largest number of conflicts will be removed first, and if several have
the same number, the one with lowest priority is removed.  This will tend
to maximize the number of objects retained for the mask, with the priority
being a secondary consideration.  The default is 0.0.  See the section
on conflict resolution in the mask generation discussion below for more
exact details.

The "Gaps" pull-down is active only for the IMACS instruments, and allows
selection of the detector gap avoidance feature.  The menu allows an "-off-"
value to turn the feature off, or the "N & S" for nod-and-shuffle orientation
or "Norm." for the normal orientation.  It does NOT automatically shift the
selection for other selections of nod-and-shuffle operation.  When this feature
is selected and data for the current instrument exists, objects will be removed
if they would fall into the gaps between the detector elements.  Only those
gaps along the dispersion direction are considered, as many spectra are expected
to intersect gaps which lie across the dispersion direction.  Also, reference
objects which would fall in the gaps are removed (see the +a flag description
on maskgen for this feature).  For instruments with no detector gaps (LDSS-3)
this pull-down is disabled.  When no valid data exist for the selected
instrument, a message in "maskgen" will indicate this; and when valid data
are added to the opticdef.dat file, they will be used.

As a special feature, the constellation name of the field center
will be displayed in the intgui window, and will appear in a comment
in the smdf file.  Let me know if any name appears misspelled.

The "Object Files" button pops up a sub-window in which one or more
file specifications for object files may be entered.  This is where
you tell the mask generation program where your objects are.  At least
one list of object positions is expected, and multiple files are
supported.  One can put the reference star positions in a separate
file for example, as another way of managing separate lists of
reference positions.  Or, several programs might produce independent
lists of objects in the same field.  In any case, the mask generation
program reads all the object files into the same internal data
structure, effectively concatenating all these lists.

When the "<maskname>.obw" file is created in "maskgen" it contains
copies of all your object file data in the same order in which it
was entered, with the files concatenated in order.  When making
subsequent masks, enter the "<maskname>.obw" name in the "Object
Files" window to use it, using the maskname of the preceding mask.

The object data input files now require only the object name and position
values, other parameters are optional.  Non-default parameters may be
specified by keyword=value syntax parameters, separated by whitespace.
See the "catdata.txt" file included with the distribution for details
on this format.  The program will continue to take the older positional
form of these parameters for compatibility.  The default slit parameters
are specified in the intgui window, default use count is zero.  Priorities
when unspecified are MustHave - 0.5 for reference objects and PDecide + 5.0
for ordinary objects.  Any .obw and .obx files will be written with the
new keyword=value syntax.  New keywords may be introduced if needed.

The entry of a slit position angle rather than a slit tilt is now
allowed.  The tilt is relative to the dispersion normal direction
for the mask, but the position angle is the actual slit angle on the
sky, measured from North toward East, in degrees.  This is used with
the instrumental position angle to compute the resulting slit tilt.
If the resulting slit tilt causes the projected slit to be less than
half its actual length, the object is removed.  A warning message
appears if the debug level is more than zero.

Any object record may have an optional in-line comment, starting
with any ! or # character after the object name.  This comment is
carried with the object, and written in the .obw, .obx and .SMF
files for that object.  If it is no longer than 68 characters and
has no parenthesis in it, it is also written in the .nc file.

Documentation on the content and format of the object files is in
the file "catdata.txt" which is part of the distribution; there is
also a web link to it on the "maskmaking" web page where it is 
titled "Object catalog data".

Differential Refraction feature:

When the check box labeled "Dif. Ref." is on (the box is colored) the
differential refraction feature is active.  You will then be able to
enter an expected hour angle of your observation, in hours and decimals
in the box labeled "H.A." just below the observation graphical display.
As previously explained, the tic marks in the graphic display are at
each hour, with zero (meridian transit) in the center.  These will
help you choose an appropriate hour angle.  Also, when the date of the
observation is entered, graphics for Sun and Moon data appear as
explained above, also helping to decide at what hour angle you will want
to observe your object.

When differential refraction is active, all mask features are slightly
displaced by their differential refraction relative to the center of the
mask at that hour angle.  This displacement is very small, usually less
than 0.1 arc second.  It is very difficult to see any difference between
two masks made with and without this feature.  It is included for those
cases where you want to or need to make observations at high zenith distance
where the effect of differential refraction could be noticed.  In most
cases, and when you do not know what hour angle you will be observing at,
it is best to leave this feature off.

This feature has NOT been verified by actually observing real refracted objects
through a real mask.  The amounts of displacement are known to be correct, and
they appear to be in the correct directions.  Since the displacements are
usually much smaller than a slit width, this feature remains experimental
until someone makes and observes a mask for a fairly high zenith distance.

Some further explanation of refraction:

The atmosphere acts much like a thin lens positioned above the telescope,
with its optic axis directed to the zenith.  All objects in the sky are
observed to be slightly closer to the zenith than their geometrical location
outside the atmosphere would be.  This causes the telescope effective focal
length to be slightly less when computed from sky positions than it actually
is as a geometric optic device, because the atmosphere itself is acting as
part of the telescope and changing its magnification.  This is the primary
first order effect of refraction, and has been already taken into consideration
in the optical modeling of the telescope.  The instrument values for the
telescope are REALLY for "telescope plus atmosphere" rather than just for
the telescope itself.  Also, when the telescope is pointed to an object
away from the zenith, it must be pointed slightly closer to the zenith than
the geometric position of the object, and this has already been taken care
of by aligning the observing mask to your alignment stars.  So, what is left
then is the second order "differential" refraction, caused by different parts
of the field being non-linearly displaced, and being displaced toward the 
zenith rather than only radially, since the field of view is looking obliquely
through the atmospheric lens.

The differential refraction displacement field is a variation of magnification
with field azimuth.  Objects toward and away from the zenith are displaced
slightly closer to the center, and objects at right angles to the zenith
direction are displaced slightly farther from the center.  The direction
toward the zenith from the field center changes with hour angle, and this is
why the hour angle is needed to compute differential refraction.  Also, during
an observation this direction is continually changing, causing all the
distortions to change in size and direction.  This is why, if you don't know
the desired hour angle of observation, or may want to re-observe the mask at
a later time when only a different hour angle will be available, using the
average location of the objects, by turning the differential refraction off,
will be the best choice.

How big is the effect?  As a general guess, for objects above airmass 2.0,
that is in the green part of the graphic, and over the entire f/4 field and
most of the f/2 field of IMACS, differential refraction displacements are
under 0.4 arc seconds, and above airmass 1.5 they are under 0.15 arc seconds.
The general differential refraction displacement is parallel to the zenith
direction and toward the field center.  If your slits are oriented parallel
to the zenith direction (parallactic angle) the objects will be displaced
along the slit, and a differential refraction correction would not be needed.

The effect of the Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator on differential 
refraction is not known and has not been modeled.  It is designed to move
with field rotation and zenith distance, so it could partly compensate
the differential refraction effect along with atmospheric dispersion.

It has been suggested that always using differential refraction and choosing
an hour angle of zero gives a better fit to actual field positions than
not using differential refraction.  This might be true for fields with high
zenith distance and restricted hour angle range such as fields that are far
to the North.  This is NOT true for fields with a large hour angle range
such as South circumpolar objects; it is easy to get a large mis-match of
zenith direction with such fields, and with fields which transit at high
altitude, although those have small differential refraction displacements
at 0 hours, so it does little harm relative to not using the feature at all.

Priority Supplement feature:

The "Prio. Sup:" window is used to enter the extended priority coefficient.
Normally zero, this value is multiplied by the current use count for each
object, and the result is used to increment the given object priority.
The intent is to allow previously used objects to be included at a
diminished priority to fill in otherwise unused parts of the mask.
Please note that this feature can result in objects changing their
normal priority status if the priority is adjusted to be greater than
the Pdecide threshold, or the MustHave threshold.

As an example of the intended use, suppose the MustHave is set at -2,
and there are a set of primary objects with priorities ranging from
1.0 to 3.0, Pdecide is set to 10.0 and a set of background objects
has priorities from 15.0 to 18.0.  Now, if we set the repeat object
count to zero the primary objects cannot be re-used at all, nor can
the already used background objects.  However, if we set the repeat
object count to 3 and a Pri. Sup. coefficient of 1.0, then these
already used objects can be re-used at a diminished priority up to
3 times, allowing them to fill in after yet unobserved objects have
been chosen.  The value is chosen based on the amount the priority
should be adjusted on each use, and depends on the actual spread of
priority values in the object set.  A small value will have little
effect and the repeat count will control use.  A large value will
put the observed object's priority behind most other objects, and
could put it in the count limiting rather than priority limiting
region of the effective priority exceeds Pdecide.

The "Skywin" feature:

The "options" menu in the "intgui" program allows access to the
"Skywin" feature, an interactive window showing the areas accessible
to the guiders and an approximate field of view of I.M.A.C.S.  This
feature replaces the older stand-alone "pmap" program.

The sky window may also be started automatically by including the
"-k" flag on the intgui command line.

In order to actually observe at any given field center position and
orientation angle, the I.M.A.C.S. instrument must be able to set its
internal guide cameras to suitable guide stars.  The upper guide star
region (curved segment outlined in blue) is for the "principal guider",
an imaging system which can guide on stars with a magnitude range of
about 11 down to 16.5 magnitude.  The lower guide star region is for
the "secondary / Shack-Hartmann guider" which is either a similar
imaging system or more usually a Shack-Hartmann guide system which is
used for both guiding and adjusting the optical figure of the Magellan
telescope for optimal performance.  This system needs a guide star
with a magnitude range of about 11 down to 15.5 magnitude.  This will
actually restrict your choice of field locations, so choosing one with
a suitable guide star is quite important.  Future versions of the
software will actually require an appropriate guide star be selected
before producing a Slit Mask Definition File output.  Please see
the section on "Guide Star selection" below.

The skywin feature requires star catalog information; normally it will
come from catalog files installed locally.  See the software installation
instructions for details.  Set the environment variable GMAPCATS to the 
directory where you install the catalog files.  However, there is an
alternative, the data for the default USNO catalog may be obtained by
the Internet from a server at OCIW if no catalogs are installed locally.
You can also use the  "-i" flag on the command line of intgui to use 
this server instead of any locally installed catalog.  If the server is 
not running, or the Internet is not available, please use a locally 
installed catalog.  See "Star Catalog Server" below for more details.

The environment variable CATPATH should be set to a colon delimited path
list of all locations where the star catalogs may be found locally.
This method will replace the use of the GMAPCATS environment variable.
Systems installed by RPM have had the catalog directory set to
/usr/local/etc/gcats and systems at Carnegie Observatories use the
local server at /data1/moon/gcats.  Thus, local users might do
"setenv CATPATH /usr/local/etc/gcats:/data1/moon/gcats" to find the
catalogs, and similar things at other institutions.

It is expected that the default catalog server URL in the program will
be correct, but if it needs to change instructions on how to access it
will be sent to the distribution mailing list.

Depending on your installation, a script may be needed to
properly set up the environment variables for properly finding all the
data (optic data, guider descriptions and star catalogs) needed by
these features.  If there seems to be a need, one may be provided.

When active, the "skywin" window has its sky center position and position
angle controlled by the values in the main GUI.  The field of view (red
dotted square) should indicate an approximation for the currently
selected instrument.  Within the window at the upper left there is a
pull-down for selecting the star catalog.  It starts with the USNO-A
catalog, as this is the one most useful in selecting IMACS guide stars.
This catalog shows all the possible guide stars, but beware
that some significant fraction of the faint ones (maybe over 20%) are 
really galaxies and other non-stellar objects.  There are also close
double stars which can confuse the guiders.

The "Features" pull-down has all the fun things which the window can
do; here's a brief run-down:

N-vector -- Toggles a Green North(long) and East(short) vector, showing
	the sky orientation.
Pan Center -- Toggles pan mode.  When on, clicking on a sky location with
	the <center> mouse button causes that location to become the center
	of the display and be indicated by a blue cross.  That center
	stays put during zoom in and out operations.  Turning this feature
	off causes the center to revert to the telescope position which
	is indicated by the black cross.  When on, "Pan Center" mode will
	replace the "centering" mode discussed below.
Star Colors -- Toggles on/off the display of stars in different colors
	corresponding to spectral type.  It is easiest to use all black
	stars to actually find guide stars.
Plot Alignment -- Toggles on/off the display of reference objects, these
	are indicated by small squares
Plot Objects -- Toggles on/off the display of observation objects, these
	are indicated by small x symbols
Prin. Guider -- Toggles on/off the blue accessible region of guider 1.
Sec. Guider -- Toggles on/off the blue accessible region of guider 2.
Camera FOV -- Toggles on/off the red camera field of view box.
Quit Window -- When selected, destroy the sky view window.

Plotting of observed objects respects the observation repeat count.
Symbols are sized depending on the number of objects in the list.

The reference objects are all plotted, and the repeat count and reference
selector count are used.  Active reference objects are then colored
yellow, and inactive ones white.  The actual mask generation code can
use additional criteria for selecting reference objects including the 
position with respect to the center.  The plot program does not use these
details, so its selection of active reference objects may differ from
the set actually used in mask generation.  Reference objects shown in
yellow are selected for selection count and the obsolete "REFSEL"
selection parameter.  Those in yellow are then allowed to be limited
by the new "REFLIM" parameter, which also respects the detector limits
(depending on the use of the +a flag in maskgen).

Active when not in the "Pan Center" mode is the "centering" mode.  The
<center> mouse button will cause the current pointer location to become
the new telescope position.  When the current telescope position changes,
the "ReCenter" button just to the right of the "Features" menu becomes
active.  Clicking on "ReCenter" returns the telescope position to that
position last read from or saved to disk, and disables "ReCenter".  This
works on positions set by the "centering" mode mouse clicks as well as
those entered into the main window dialog boxes for R.A. and Declination.
When a save to disk operation is done, the "ReCenter" button becomes
disabled to indicate that the current position is the one saved to disk.

As a new feature in version 2.11, the function of the center mouse button
may be achieved by holding the shift key while clicking the left or right
mouse buttons.  This may be useful for laptops with track-pad devices.

At the right of the display are the zoom buttons, the downward pointing
triangle zooms "in" and the upward triangle zooms "out".  Using the
left, center and right mouse buttons on these zoom by factors of
1.25, 2.0 and 4.0 respectively.  When zooming in, fainter stars may
become displayed, especially in the USNO-A catalog.  By combining the
"Pan Center" feature and zooming in/out on the guider fields, one may
find all the possible guide stars for any field position, including 
many which are too faint to actually use.

The Camera FOV option (enabled by default) plots an approximation of
the direct camera field, and may show the locations of the 8 chips.
The alternate orientation used for "Nod and Shuffle" observing has
not yet been implemented, nor has any indication in the mask making
data files of which orientation is being used.

Star Catalog Server;

The sky window feature now implements a star catalog accessed over
the Internet if a local disk version is not found.  This service is
provided by the Carnegie Observatories, and is expected to be usually
operational.  The internet catalog service will take longer than the
local disk system, sometimes significantly longer.  This should be
satisfactory for a small number of positions.  Also, the star catalog
caching feature (see below) will mean that subsequent access to the
same or very close field will be done by reading the local disk for
the cached data and hence be quite quick.

Here is a quick outline of how it works:
1) When the sky window is opened, the local disk catalog files are
opened; if this fails, the network use status is turned on.
2) See if the required star data is available in a local cache file,
and if so use that data, and skip to (5) below.
3) If network use status is on, obtain stars by a Remote Procedure
Call to Carnegie Observatories server; if network use not on, obtain
stars directly from the local disk catalog files.
If neither method can obtain stars, the sky window is closed with
an error message.  Either a disk catalog or network connection is needed.
4) Make local cache copy of stars obtained from either network or
local disk catalog; to be used later in step (2) above.
5) Sort the list on magnitude, and trim it for radius from center and
any magnitude limit being imposed.
6) The resulting star list is used to plot the sky window; a limit on
number of stars shows only the brighter stars available to avoid crowding.

Star catalog caching:

All the data retrieved from the star catalog, either from the local disk
catalog or from a network catalog server will be cached in the local
file area.  There are currently 16 file names defined, of the form
OCIW_catX.dat where X is a hexidecimal digit from 0 through F.  These
are text files ranging in size from a few killobytes to several megabytes
depending on the catalog and star density.

Usually catalog cache files are stored in the local directory, however
if your organization of data files requires it, the environment name
CATCACHE may be defined to point to the directory where the cache files
are to be kept.  As a special case, if it is defined as "/dev/null" the
caching of catalog data will be eliminated.

These cache files are plain ASCII text.  The first line is a header,
containing the catalog index, center R.A. and Dec. in hours and
degrees, field radius in arc seconds, and number of stars.  For
each star, there is the catalog star index, R.A., Dec., Magnitude
and spectrum fields.  The positions are accurate to 0.001 seconds
of time and 0.01 seconds of arc.

When a catalog cache is written, the cache file name used depends on
what is already cached.  First choice will be a cache file which
is a subset of the one being written, then an unused file name, and
finally the file least recently used.

The file use time refers to the time the file was actually used to
provide data to a sky window display.  Each file in the file system
has 3 times: 1) The creation date, set when the file is first written;
2) The access date, set when it is read; 3) The change date, set when
the file status is changed.  Since the access date is updated each time
skymap looks at the cache, it does not indicate if the file was 
actually used.  The creation date is preserved as the time when the
file was created.  When the file is used, the change date is set,
and this is the date used to find the oldest (least recently used)
file to be replaced.  To see these dates, the -c flag in "ls" will
display the change date; the -u flag shows the access time, and
otherwise the creation (and modification) time will be shown.

As a special feature, the status and content of the cache files
may be displayed by using the -c flag in the intgui command line.

Also, the "cacherep" utility may be used to report on the content
of the cache files.  See its documentation below.

Guide Star selection:

Pointing the mouse to any star and clicking gets a display at the bottom
of that star's catalog identification, magnitude and position. 
When debug information has been requested on the intgui command line,
more information on the guider position will be displayed.
Clicking on a star within the guide star region which is of suitable
brightness (currently at least 16.5 for the principal guider and 15.5
for the Shack-Hartmann guider) will cause that guide star to be selected,
and highlighted with a red circle around it.  If the star is not in the
guide field or too faint, that will be noted in the information line at
the bottom of the display, and the star will be highlighted in white.
There is also a bright limit, currently 11.0 magnitude, which also
is noted in the information line if exceeded.
Clicking on the star a second time will de-select it, as will choosing
another star.  Selected guide stars are remembered and highlighted when
running the interface GUI sky window a second time.

Click the left mouse button to select or de-select a star.  Clicking
the right mouse button will only display a status line for the nearest
star, but will not select it.

The star with the status display shown is highlighted by a white ring,
and one selected as a guide star by a red ring.  If you only get a white
ring when trying to select a guide star, there was a problem, usually
either "Faint!" or "OUT OF FIELD" shown in the status line at the bottom
of the window.

The display for the LDSS-3 instrument shows only a single very large
guider field, and a single star may be selected within it.  This is
handled the same way as IMACS, except that selection of a guide star
will not be required for LDSS-3.

If the center position is changed, or the orientation angle is changed,
any selected guide stars are dropped, and must be selected again.  It
is a good idea to select guide stars *after* choosing your center and
slit position angle.

When using the "centering" mode (see above) guide star positions are
dropped when a newly selected center is saved to a file, and thus the
guide stars should be selected again after the save operation.  This
means you should not be selecting guide stars when the "recenter"
button is active (highlighted).

An automatic guide star selection feature is now available, for IMACS
instruments only.  This feature is active when a skywin window is displayed,
and automatically selects guide stars from the displayed stars.  A new
selection is made if the window position is changed and an existing guide
star is no longer available.  Your position and instrument selection should
be made before activating the skywin feature for the automatic guide star
feature to operate properly.  Guide stars may always be selected manually,
or changed from the automatic selections.  The most common reason for a
guide star to not be selected automatically for an IMACS instrument is that
there is no star of acceptable brightness in the guider field.
If the automatic guide star selection feature tries to find a guide star
but fails to do so, a message is displayed to that effect in the terminal
window which invoked intgui.  In this message, "area 1" is the principal
guider, and "area 2" is the Shack-Hartmann guider.  Guide stars found are
indicated by a red circle around the star as usual.

Failure to select a guide star in each guider for IMACS masks will result
in a warning upon exit from "intgui", as will omission of other required

You should be sure that suitable guide stars are available for your
selected position.  When the mask is generated, the .SMF file will
contain a comment starting "!.OC" with information for an observing
catalog line, containing the needed center position information, and
the selected guide star positions in the form needed by the telescope 
control system.  These lines from a set of .SMF files can be collected
into an observing catalog format file using the "obscat" script.  See
the section on "Observing Catalog utility" for details on that script.

To verify that your guide stars are actually stars, you can get a small
view of the star from the Digitized Sky Survey.  Holding the control
key and right clicking on a star will send a request for a 1.5 arc minute
square picture centered on that star.  For users on Mac-OS-X this is
done by the "open" command, and for Linux users, the "firefox" browser
is used by default.  Use the environment variable MYDISPLAY to select
an alternate command; this command should accept a full URL as its
argument and display a GIF image or a possible HTML error message.
Usually your favorite web browser will be fine, or some users may
prefer the ImageMagick "display" command.  The browser or display
program may then edit or save the image for later use.  The picture size
of 1.5 arc minutes is a bit larger than the field of view of the
guider cameras.  Please remember that these pictures are oriented
with north up, while the sky view and guider images are rotated by the
instrument rotation and guider positioning.  Pixel resolution, scale
and size of the image obtained depends on the actual digitized image
data, which can vary in different parts of the sky.

The "maskgen" program requires two guide stars to be selected and be
present in the .obs file; if they are not, the "maskgen" program will
terminate without producing a mask file.

The IFU mode option:

The "Integral Field Unit" allows IMACS observers to obtain spectra at
multiple points within a small area (actually two small areas) by using
fiber optics to sample light over an area and arrange the samples in a
line simulating a single long slit.

The two sample apertures are offset from the telescope field center by
a little over half an arc minute.  We have added the IFU mode to the
interface GUI to support finding the offset accurately, and determining
the rotator interference at the instrument position angle, and to find
suitable guide stars for the offset observation.

When IFU mode is selected, a small window pops up, allowing one to enter
the position of the offset object being observed, and which IFU aperture
it is to be placed in.  The main R.A. and Dec. windows are disabled for
input, and show the offset position of the telescope central axis.  The
sky view window shows the guide star availability for the offset observation.

When a .obs file is written in IFU mode, it is truncated to only include
the telescope pointing parameters, not the slit and instrument details,
and no object list is attached to the .obs file.  When such a file is read
in with the IFU mode indicated on, the small window is activated, and
the position, comments and file name may be edited.  This mode is strictly
an aid to planning, no mask may be cut in IFU mode; the IFU itself is a
mask, and occupies 3 mask server slots in the instrument.

The MOE feature:

When the Multi-Object Echelle (MOE) disperser is used, the wavelength
range is used to select the orders of the spectrum considered rather
than the extent of the spectrum in the dispersion direction.  The red
end, the largest wavelength in the range selects the lowest order of
the spectra which is considered, and the blue end, the shortest wavelength
in the range selects the highest order of the spectra used.  It is
recommended that you use an approximate center wavelength of each of
the highest and lowest orders for the wavelength range.

The secondary wavelength bounds (called "Detector Range") may be used
to select an alternate extent of the spectra in the dispersion
direction by specifying the allowed range of a single order.  This is
intended for use by experienced echelle users; leaving those secondary
wavelength bounds to match the primary wavelength range will compute
an appropriate setting which allows proper overlap between adjacent
spectral orders, and is the recommended method.

Also in MOE mode, the slit length should be 5 arc seconds, the center
wavelength is not used, and nod-and-shuffle mode is not allowed, so
uncut lengths must be zero.  The interface GUI will set the slit length
and disable entry of slit length, uncut length, order, center wavelength,
extra order mode and slit extension when the MOE disperser is selected.
Spectra are longer than half the detector height, so they cannot be
stacked adjacent in the dispersion direction.  You will get only a
dozen or so objects with MOE.  The slit extension feature cannot be
used with MOE, nor the extra orders feature.  For MOE a single wing
chip hole is made on each side rather than the set of multiple holes
when the wing chip feature is selected by the "-w" flag.

The special "Image test mode" feature:

To support certain other IMACS modes such as direct imaging, or the
use of generalized long slits, a special test mode has been added, 
using the "-t" command line flag.  In this mode, all the multi-slit
things have been suppressed, and the skywin window defaults to "on".
A position and orientation may be selected, and guide stars may be
selected.  The "Obscat" button will write the selected guide star
positions and the selected position and orientation into an observing
catalog entry in the specified "Obscat file" along with a selected
object name.  Also, the observing date may be entered, and the status
bars with rotator warnings, sunlight and twilight and moon information
will be displayed.  This mode is intended to support the creation of
observing catalog and guide star information for observations which
do not use the rest of the multi-slit creation steps.

The "GISMO" feature:

This feature is actually a very sophisticated mask, occupying all the
mask server slots, and using its own mask and sub-mask selection
mechanism.  It re-images 16 slices of the center of the field of view
into 16 separate areas in the IMACS f/4 camera field, allowing spectra
of a crowded region to be obtained with less mutual interference.

Since it uses separate masks, it is treated as a separate instrument
rather than a special case of the f/4 IMACS instrument.

The re-imaged fields are arranged along two lines in the cross
dispersion direction, in such a manner that when their slits are 
cut in a cylindrical mask, their position approximates that of 
slits cut along a line across a spherical mask.

The masks used are indeed cylindrical, and each such physical
mask accommodates 5 logical masks, each of which may be placed
in the observing position by a slide mechanism, moving the mask
along the axis of the cylinder.

It will be seen when designing masks that the individual sub-
fields are inverted (rotated about 180 degrees) when mapped
onto the actual mask.  This is due to the design of GISMO's
transfer optics, and is completely normal.

Each individual mask design and mask generation run produces a
logical mask, and up to 5 of these will be combined on a single
physical mask blank in the maskcut step.

Since the GISMO front end system is mounted in the mask holder
system, and is itself quite large, no other regular IMACS masks
can be present when GISMO is installed.  The ability to have 5
logical masks on one physical GISMO mask may be thought of as
a similar feature to having up to 6 IMACS masks available
during observing.

When selecting the instrument in the intgui, there are several
different GISMO features implemented.  Selecting GISMO with the
f/2 or f/4 cameras will produce standard observing masks.  The
choice of camera will determine which dispersers are available
in the disperser sub-menu.  There are two additional special
instruments which are really special GISMO operational features,
the "GISMO MNS" instrument is the Macro Nod-and-Shuffle special
feature support, and the "GISMO AP" is the GISMO aperture mask
support feature, both of which are described below.

GISMO special features:

  Slit tilt feature
The slit orientation may be defined by its position angle on the
input field as back projected, or the slit itself may be normal
to the dispersion direction as re-imaged onto its displaced
position on the focal plane.  The latter is the usual default
practice, but some uses may need to have the slit position
defined on the sky.  If the slit shape is RECTANGLE and there
is a non-zero uncut length, the slit orientation is taken to
be accurate in the input field.  Also, the -p command line flag
to maskgen will force the input positions to be used.  Please
NOTE that the default will result in improved data reduction
performance; use the accurate slit angle feature only when it
is actually needed for the observation.

  Macro Nod-and-Shuffle
GISMO may be used in a special mode in which the detectors are
divided into 7 sections in the cross-dispersion direction and
the first, third, fifth and seventh ones are "blanked out" and
cannot have objects cut into them.  Objects are cut into the
other sections, and during observations the field is taken on
an aligned set of objects, and then the telescope is shifted
to a non-aligned (sky) position while the images are shuffled
on the detector to allow a sky exposure.

Using the "GISMO MNS" instrument allows support for this mode,
with the appropriate gaps and spectrum support built into the
maskgen step.  Due to detector orientation, this mode is only
useful with the f/4 camera and dispersers.

  Aperture Mask
When doing alignment on alignment objects, the standard IMACS
observing protocol is to take a short exposure through the mask
in direct mode and one without the mask to find the alignment
objects.  Using GISMO, there is no "without the mask" possible,
as you need the image splitter and no direct interference.
What is needed is a special logical mask with clear holes around
the projected image of each split field piece.  The special
instrument "GISMO AP" will generate such a logical mask.  When
used the only intgui fields active are the position (normally
regarded as commentary as it does not affect the mask), the
name and the alignment box size.  The alignment box size is used
to define the extra space around the split section, which is
half the box size (in arc seconds) up to a maximum of 2.5 arc
seconds, which is the recommended default.  You will need to
make one such logical mask, and include it in each physical
mask that is cut.

Cutting GISMO multiple masks with "maskcut"

Each GISMO mask contains up to 5 independent sub-masks, which
are individually selected by a slide mechanism in the instrument.
These sub-masks are designed independently and each has its own
.obs file and .SMF file.

When "maskcut" is run for GISMO masks, up to 5 masks are cut
into each physical mask blank, in the order given in the command
line.  Usually, the "maskcut" command will contain exactly the
five .SMF file names to be used to construct the mask.  For using
the standard alignment procedures, one of these masks should be
an Aperture Mask created by the "GISMO AP" special feature as
explained previously.

Change of Internet Name:

Carnegie Observatories is changing its web address from "" to
"", and the old address will cease to function
in June 2010.  All of the references in the program to the old web
address are being updated to the new one.  This will require all users
to use the updated software before June 2010.

How "maskgen" operates:

Here's the brief outline:  The "maskgen" task reads the <maskname>.obs
file it found in its command line argument, checks for errors, and then
computes the slit mask position and detector position of each object
requested for the mask.  When spectra conflict, objects are removed from
the set based on number of conflicts and priority until no more conflicts
remain.  The description of the mask to be made including all the
objects which have been selected to be on the mask is sent to a Slit
Mask Definition File, and all objects with their use counts are written
in a <maskname>.obw file in object file format.

There are several more details.  The "maskgen" task must be able to find
and read the "opticdef.dat" file, usually by having this file or a symbolic
link to it in the current directory.  If the optic definitions are not
found, poor to non-existent results will follow.  Starting with version
1.20, maskgen will stop execution if the opticdef.dat file is not found.

Starting with version 2.07, the "maskgen" task requires that an instrument
and a disperser have been selected in the .obs file.  If these are not
present, an error message is issued and no processing done.  Also, unless
the "-m" flag has been entered, a check is made to verify that the file
name within the .obs file is the same as the actual directory name of
the file.  This feature will catch mistakes in renaming or copying the
.obs files.  When the file is made by the "intgui" task, these names
are created correctly.

The "maskgen" task also checks for suitable guide stars, and if not found
will reject processing the mask.  For the quick look operation (using
the -q flag) as is done with the "maskgen" button from the "intgui" task,
this rejection is not done.  However, if -q is used, no .SMF output file 
will be written, so no mask can be created.  To actually make a mask, 
suitable guide stars must actually exist and be in the .obs file.  Error 
messages are produced if a guide star is missing or is not in a possible 
guider location.  

Object positions which are clearly off the mask, having too great an
angular distance from the selected center, are marked inactive right
away.  So are objects which have a use count exceeding the current
repeat allowed count (separately computed for observed objects and
reference objects).  If the reference select parameter is over 1, a
count of reference objects is referred to and only 1 of n reference
objects is allowed to remain.

When the ADC is not present, reference objects more than 12 arc minutes
from the center are suppressed. Due to poor image quality, such stars
do not work reliably with the alignment procedure.
This restriction does not exist now that the ADC is in use.

Object positions which would be near the mask edge in the vicinity of
the clamps used to hold the mask during laser cutting also need to be
suppressed at this point.  These regions are near the corners of the
detector in the f/2 camera.  All objects, regardless of priority in
these regions are dropped, including reference objects.  These exclusion
regions are seen in the "ncplot" display.

All objects which survive those tests have their spectra positions 
computed in the detector plane.  Any observed object (not reference
objects) whose spectrum as defined by the wavelength limits falls off
the detector is eliminated.  If we are checking for extra order images,
then image spectra for each object are also computed for the conflict
tests.  Objects are sorted based on detector position to aid the
finding of conflicts.  Spectra are artificially widened at this point
to implement the "overlap" feature, by subtracting half the overlap
allowance from each side of each spectrum.

A check is also made for unusual object parameters.  Since objects are
allowed to have individual features such as slit width and length which
differ from the global default values, about 10% of them are allowed to
have strange parameters, but when a large fraction of objects have
unusual parameters, a warning is given and further processing is
omitted unless a special "-c" flag was present on the command line.
Such things as too small a width (under 0.3 arc seconds), slit length
less than slit width, negative slit width or length, negative use
count, priority under -10 or over +30, object names of less than 2
characters, unknown shape codes, large slit tilt angles and a few other
things are flagged.  The execution override flag is present when
maskgen is invoked from intgui in the test mode basis, and the warning
messages are not suppressed when operated in this override mode.
This feature exists mainly to find object files which are poorly
formatted and result in slits which are not what is really intended.

When checking reference objects for on-detector, and for conflicts with
other reference objects, the direct image positions rather than their
spectra positions are used.  Spectra of reference objects are used to
find conflicts with program objects.

The -a flag has been used to allow automatic removal of reference
objects which were off the detector, or conflicting with others; this
is now the default.  Using a +a flag will keep all reference objects
and not delete those off the detector.  The -a default is needed to
use the "Ref. Limit" feature to limit the number of reference holes.

If selected, and the data is present in the optical definitions file,
the detector gaps are modeled by virtual spectra of infinite priority.
These are put into the object list as virtual objects for the conflict
algorithm, but produce no actual object output for the mask files.

A scan of all the computed spectra is made to find which of these
spectra interfere with each other in detector space.  Potentially, very
many conflicts will be found, especially in crowded fields.  We also
look for duplicate positions, defined as being within 1/2 the default
slit width in both X and Y dimensions on the mask.

Obvious conflicts such as objects with spectra off the detector, conflicting
with a reference object, duplicate objects and the like are eliminated
first.  Optionally, (the -a flag), reference objects which have their
images off the detector or conflicting with other reference objects may be
automatically removed also; otherwise they are considered must-have objects.

Once conflicts have been found, a conflict resolution algorithm then
runs to eliminate these conflicts by eliminating objects from the set
of "active" objects.  This runs until either no conflicts remain, or
none of the conflicted objects are eligible for removal.  This means
that such an object is either a reference object, or has a priority
over (numerically less than) a "must have" value.

Conflicts remaining after the resolution algorithm, such as reference
objects falling off the detector, or must-have objects conflicting are
listed for the user's consideration.  It is always a good idea to check
this list to see if these conflicts actually cause a problem.  It may be
necessary to change the "must have" priority, or to remove some objects
or change their priorities to achieve a clean mask.  Conflicts among
must have objects and reference objects are the user's responsibility.

After conflict resolution, the object set is written to the <maskname>.obw
file, and then the used and unused lists are separated.  If the "r" flag
has been set, the used list is re-ordered to reduce the sum of distances
between adjacent objects in mask space.  This same algorithm may be
applied in the "maskcut" program, and we recommend doing it there.

In addition to the <maskname>.obw file, a <maskname>.obx file may be
created containing only the objects used in the mask.  This file has the
same form as the .obw file, and is created if the "-f" option is specified
on the command line.

In-line comments in the object list files are replicated in the .obw and
.obx output files.

Finally, the list of objects being used on the mask and all the other
needed information is written to the <maskname>.SMF file, which is the
principal output of mask generation.  This step is omitted if the "quick
look" feature (the -q option) is in effect; that happens if the "MaskGen"
button in the interface GUI is used to run maskgen.

Conflict Resolution:

(Wait!  How's that "conflict resolution" done?)
There are several possible algorithms.  We have two available, one based
on the conflict count, and the other based strictly on priority.

Priority values work like magnitudes with smaller numeric values being
favored ("brighter").  In the documentation I have tried to use terms
like "high/low" to indicate priority and "less/greater" to indicate the
numeric value of that priority.  Think of the priority values as you
would magnitudes with higher priority = brighter = smaller numbers.
Many users use actual object magnitudes in the priority field.

There are two parameters, expressed as priority values, present in the
.obs file.  First is the "MustHave" parameter, which has a default value
of -2.0.  Any object of this priority or more (numerically smaller) will
not be removed because of a conflict with another object.
Second is the "Pdecide" parameter, which decides between the two
conflict resolution algorithms.

First, the objects are carefully inspected to remove any which have
spectra which would fall off the detector, and any which are duplicated
by another object.  Duplicate objects are removed by priority, the
lower priority one being dropped; and if equal priority, by order in
which they were read.

Second, any object with priority lower than the Pdecide which conflicts
with an object of priority higher than Pdecide is eliminated.

In all of these decisions, when two objects are otherwise similar,
having the same priority and conflicts, the final choice is by the
order in which they were read in initially.  The one read earlier will
override the one read later.  This is true for duplicates, and both
kinds of conflict resolution algorithm.

The algorithm based on conflict count runs first, and is applied only
to objects with a lower priority (numerically greater) than Pdecide.

In a loop, choose the "most conflicted" object as the next one to be
removed.  Do not choose any reference object, or any object with
priority over Pdecide.  Keep track of the number of conflicts which the
candidate object has, and its priority.  If an object is found with
more conflicts, that's our new candidate.  If an object has the same
conflict count, choose the one with the lower (numerically greater)
priority.  When all objects have been scanned, if none has been chosen
the loop terminates.  Otherwise, the one which has been selected is
removed from the active set, all those with which it conflicted have
their conflict counts reduced, and all those conflict data are removed,
and we loop back to choose another object.

Note that if Pdecide is a sufficiently low priority, and no objects are
of lower priority, this algorithm has nothing to do and terminates
immediately after one loop to verify no lower objects exist.

The algorithm based on priority runs second, and applies to all objects.
The object list is scanned in priority order, from the highest priority
to the lowest.  When an object is found to have any conflicts, all those
conflicts are removed unless they are either MustHave objects, or
reference objects which do not get removed.  The only removable objects
with which a conflict may exist in this algorithm must have lower
priorities, as if any were higher, this object would have been removed
earlier in the scan for its conflict with a higher priority object.
During this scan, objects with equal priorities are scanned in the 
order in which they were initially read in from the object data file.

After the final priority based scan, all removable conflicts have been
resolved, and if any remain they are with MustHave objects.  The object
list is restored to the order in which it was read from the data file.

The automatic slit extension feature is implemented after all conflict
resolution has been done, and all objects have been selected.  It will
take a relatively long time to process, usually longer than the conflict
resolution process.  It is recommended that it be used only after all
object selection experiments have been done, and you are satisfied with
the set of objects selected.  In this regard, the feature in "intgui"
which allows a test run of "maskgen" will suppress the slit extension
feature for such tests.

Each end of object slits is extended until it would conflict with
another feature, either a reference object spectrum, a detector edge,
or another slit.  When two slits are being extended into the same
space, the program attempts to enlarge each one equally.

It is recommended that when slit extension is used, the "Overlap pixels"
parameter be made a moderately large negative value, perhaps -5 to -10
since a small misalignment in the disperser can cause spectra which
are close to shift slightly.  Also, when reducing data which has the
extended slits, it may be helpful to slightly reduce the amount of
sky used at the edges which are near other spectra.

Slit extension is available in both IMACS and LDSS instruments, with
the exception of certain special modes; it cannot be used with the
Multi-Object Echelle disperser which requires a fixed length slit,
nor in nod-and-shuffle mode which requires all slits be default size
and have an uncut length.

Examples of how to use conflict resolution and priority:

1) To always resolve conflicts in favor of the object appearing first
in the input list:
    Set all priority values the same (default is zero).
    Set pdecide numerically greater than that priority value (default is 2.0).

2) To always resolve conflicts by priority number, with lesser numeric
values favored over greater values:
    Enter priority values for all objects, smaller numeric values favored.
    Set pdecide numerically greater than the numerically greatest priority.

3) To maximize the number of objects used, by favoring those with
lower numbers of conflicts:
    Set pdecide numerically less than the highest or default priority,
    usually to -2.0 or the must_have priority.

4) To favor high priority objects by priority, yet fill in as much
as possible with lower priority objects:
    Enter priority values for all objects, smaller numeric values favored.
    Set pdecide numerically greater than the favored priority values, yet
    numerically less than the priorities of the lower priority objects.

5) Use magnitudes for priorities, always favoring brighter objects:
    Set pdecide to a very faint magnitude, for example 30.0.

6) Use magnitudes for priorities, favoring objects brighter than 16.5,
while filling in with fainter objects when possible:
    Set pdecide to 16.5

(What's that plot that shows up at the end of maskgen???)
Oh, that's just a debug thing that was going to be turned off, but
some users thought it was moderately useful.  There are two views
available, the mask space and detector space (careful here, the
detector locations are imaged and possibly reflected depending on the
camera used).  For the detector view, each spectrum is outlined with
red dots at the red end, blue dots at the blue end, and a green dot at
the center wavelength, and blue lines drawn between.  These thin
"rectangles" should not overlap.  When extra orders are selected, there
are also green outlined image spectra present.  When detector gap support
is selected, the gaps are plotted in the detector space.

The center wavelength of the spectrum has been changed from the center
wavelength specified for the disperser to the mean of the given wavelength
passband ends.  This is also the wavelength used for computing the
actual object position on the mask, and for the differential refraction
option (when active).

The mask location has green dots at each object location, and blue
shapes to scale showing the slit and hole locations.

As usual with the debug utility window, re-centering is by the center
mouse button at any point in the field, zoom in/out is on the in, out
buttons with left-center-right mouse buttons giving 1.25-2.0-4.0 factor
respectively.  The re-center button sets the center back to origin.

As a new feature in version 2.11, the function of the center mouse button
may be achieved by holding the shift key while clicking the left or right
mouse buttons.  This may be useful for laptops with track-pad devices.

Using the "-n" command line flag when running maskgen allows the
object name to be displayed above each object in the plot; that's
the spectrum center location in the detector view, and the mask
feature in the mask view.  The labels are a fixed size, and will
overwrite each other if zoomed out too far; zoom in to see them
displayed better.

For those who really don't want that window to show up, or who wish to
use maskgen in a script, the "-s" command line flag will skip the plot.

(What are those small holes beside my slit pattern?)
Those holes support the "wing chip" feature.  Two small CCD chips are
fixed to the sides of one of the science data arrays.  They may be 
illuminated by night sky light coming through those holes.  The images 
of night sky emission on the chip can be used for active instrumental 
flexure compensation.  None of this light falls on the science data 
array, so its operation should be invisible to the user.  
In practice, the active flexure control has not been needed, as the
open-loop corrections work well.  The newer detector array thus has no
wing chips installed.  Thus, the default has been changed to not add
these holes.  If needed, one may enter the "-w" flag to maskgen to
add these holes.  The holes are absent when nod-and-shuffle support 
is active, that is when the uncut length of the default slit is 
non-zero, or the nod-and-shuffle feature of the f/2 camera has 
been selected.

What "maskcut" does:

(Please note that we now prefer to have the "maskcut" program be run at
Las Campanas (for IMACS masks), and that the .SMF file be the one sent 
to the mountain.  This explanation is for completeness, and indicates 
how you can test whether the mask can be successfully cut.  It is not 
necessary for the user to run "maskcut", but it can catch some errors.)

Notwithstanding the above, it will be necessary for the user to use
the "maskcut" program for those instruments such as LDSS-3 and GISMO
which cut multiple .SMF files into one physical mask.

There are several ways to plot the mask data, this one plots the mask
slits and holes as physical holes in a metal mask using a high powered
Infra-Red laser mounted in a machine tool enclosure.  You should think
of this as a machine tool operation rather than as "plotting".

The "maskcut" utility takes as its command line argument a SMDF file
specification or the "maskname" portion of it.  A file of numerical
control machine commands is then produced which will be used on the
laser cutting machine at Las Campanas to produce the actual metal
slit mask to be used during observing.

If the .SMF file has been produced by "maskgen", it is most probably
fully correct.  However, "maskcut" does do a little checking on the
data it receives.  Any mask feature which would be off the cutable area
of the mask or too near the holding fixtures is deleted, usually without
any notice (unless you look for that little error message).  Then, a
file of machine commands is produced.  That file contains all the
commands to cut slits and reference holes, to engrave the mask name and
observer name at the "top" of the mask, and to cut the mask position
definition slots and bolt clearance holes around the rim of the mask
for mounting it in the instrument.  It is important to cut these slots
at the same time the slits are cut to insure accurate centering of
the mask features at observing time.

The .SMF file is a pure ASCII text file, and can be edited; however
you MUST know what you are doing if you change it.  While it may be
possible to do many creative things, you can run onto unforeseen
consequences.  Inserting, removing or changing mask features should
only be done with great caution.  Mistakes, or even intentional added
holes CANNOT be covered with tape, since the tape will not survive the
internal environment, low humidity and compressed air actuators in the
mask server mechanism.  Please be careful of editing the .SMF file to
place data from several separate fields on the same mask.  Also, please
check any conflicts with your "must have" priority objects with each
other and with reference holes.  Remember, an extra hole cannot be
erased after the mask is cut.  Also, be aware that a checksum and signature
are generated by maskgen at the end of the .SMF file, and any editing
will produce a warning message when the .SMF file is read.

To improve the speed of mask cutting, "maskcut" does an optimization to 
the order of cutting for the features in the mask.  This is an example 
of the "traveling salesman problem" of minimization theory, so what we 
do is make a significant improvement to the path length, but do not try 
very hard to reach an optimum.  Improvements of about 80% or more are 
routine, and the result is probably within 2% of an actual optimum.  
Since we are just saving machine tool time, this is plenty good enough.  
This option is now the default, to turn it off, you may enter "-r" on 
the command line.

In mask cutting, the default is to implement the correction of the mask
dimensions for the temperature difference between the cutting operation
and observing.  Masks are cut in the lab at a temperature usually about 
8 degrees C or more warmer than the usual observing temperatures, and a 
large mask can have thermal expansion which is almost noticeable.  The 
observing temperature defaults to 12 C, and may be edited in the .obs 
file or the .SMF file.  Use of this feature is a good idea on IMACS 
masks, but for several reasons it should NOT be used on the smaller 
LDSS masks.  The default operation is to use thermal expansion 
compensation on IMACS masks, but not on LDSS masks.  This thermal 
compensation may be turned off by the "-e" flag on the command line.

Masks are physically identified by engraving on their surface the name
of the file which created them, the observer's name, the creation date
and an optional serial number assigned by the automatic mask submission
and data base system.

The output file from "maskcut" is "I<maskname>.nc" -- and yes, that
is a peculiar way to name things.  The initial "I" is to clue the
machine tool operators in to the fact that this file will need a
"IMACS" mask blank to be loaded.  The same laser machine will be used
to cut other instrument's masks, using different mask stock.  The final
extension of ".nc" is the standard thing expected by the machine tool

When multiple masks are cut into a single blank, the maskname is not
a part of the output file name; a specially generated name is used
instead.  This defaults to a date based format, "" where the
leading L is literal, yy is the year, M a Hexidecimal month, dd the
day number, and the .nc suffix is standard.  Using the -b flag, the
base name specified can replace the "LyyMdd" part.  This naming feature
may be used by scripts invoking maskcut automatically as part of the
mask generation automation data base project.

The output file ending in .nc is what is needed to actually cut the
mask.  That file will be made at Las Campanas (for single masks), and 
should be saved along with the mask.

An estimate of the time required by the laser machine to cut the mask
is computed from the .nc file and stored at the end of the .nc file
by "maskcut".  The same computation is done by "ncplot" which will
display a detailed table of times required for various kinds of
motions and the number of segments of each motion.

When a "long" slit has been specified, and that slit is longer than
an amount given in the "maskcut.cfg" file (currently 40 mm.), it is
split into two parts with a small (currently 0.4 mm.) gap in the
center.  This is needed for the mechanical integrity of the mask
itself; too long a slit would allow greater than acceptable bending
of the mask.  This is done automatically in mask cutting, and should
have no impact on mask design; the .SMF file may specify any slit of
any length, and gaps will be added.  This is done recursively, if a
part of a split slit is still too long, it too is split in the middle
until the parts being cut are no longer over 40 mm in length.
This has the side effect that the .SMF file does not show where these
gaps will fall for data reduction.  If needed, the gap positions can
be determined by the length and gap size parameters for any slit.

Cutting multi-masks:

Although IMACS masks are each cut into an individual blank, masks
for LDSS-3 are cut with up to 7 masks in a single blank, and then
the individual masks are separated from the blank.  The accepted
procedure is for the user to supply .nc files created with "maskcut"
for the masks needed.  The easy way to do this is to list all the
masks in a single "maskcut" command, which will produce .nc files
for as many cutting procedures as will be needed.  It is possible
to use a wild card file specification to "maskcut" to specify all
the needed .SMF input files.

Masks for GISMO will contain the data from 5 .SMF files, and the
user must combine them realizing how the GISMO observations will
be done; it is difficult and time consuming to change the mask, so
changes during a night should be minimized.  Also, each mask will
need to have an aperture mask as one of the 5 positions to properly
complete the alignment.  You will need to run "maskcut" for each
GISMO physical mask, specifying the desired .SMF files in the order
in which they will appear on the mask.

Things to know about that mask:

The mask is made from a spherical shell of 0.012 inch thick stainless
steel.  The spherical radius of 1236 millimeters corresponds to the
focal plane curvature of the Magellan telescope.  The shell curvature
imparts substantial rigidity to the mask over what a plane sheet of
metal would have, but they are still fragile and easily damaged.  This
material is only slightly thicker than a common beverage can.

However, 0.012 inches is about 300 microns, and that is about one
arc second at the focal scale; so a slit of one arc second width is
being cut into a piece of material which is about equally thick.
The laser beam cutting the hole is about 0.002 inches or 50 microns
in diameter, and it cuts with pulses of laser energy rather than a
continuous beam.  This limits the size of the smallest features which
can be cut in the mask.

When properly cut and installed, masks should be mechanically aligned
to a fraction of an arc second.  However, there are 3 position defining
pins and slots for them in the mask, and they are at exactly 120 degree
intervals around the rim.  So a mask could be miss-oriented in two other
positions 120 degrees away from the desired one; this will be quite
obvious in actual use.

The "ncplot" utility:

Mostly written for debugging and visualization, this utility is also
intended for the people who will be cutting the masks to see the tool
path generated.

Given a command line input of the mask name (or the file specification),
this program produces a plot in a terminal window of the tool motions
from the .nc file.  These are color coded; gray for movement with the
laser off, black with laser on at cutting strength, green for laser on
at engraving strength, and red for laser on, cutting, and at slow speed.
The mask boundaries are shown in blue, and clamp avoidance areas orange.

As usual with the debug utility window, re-centering is by the center
mouse button at any point in the field, zoom in/out is on the in, out
buttons with left-center-right mouse buttons giving 1.25-2.0-4.0 factor
respectively.  The ReCenter button sets the center back to origin.

As a new feature in version 2.11, the function of the center mouse button
may be achieved by holding the shift key while clicking the left or right
mouse buttons.  This may be useful for laptops with track-pad devices.

The tool path is not the area cut out; remember that the beam of the
laser has an effective tool diameter of 0.002 inches or 0.050 millimeters,
so a larger area will be cut than the tool movements show.  There is
a scale bar in the lower right of the display to show the actual size
to which things are displayed.

This utility is intended to detect any problems with the .nc file
before actual mask cutting is done with it.  For example, it will
easily show if you used the "-r" option in "maskcut" to not optimize
your cutting path.

One useful option of "ncplot" is the "-t" option, which displays a
short table giving the expected times and path lengths for each
cutting mode and their total.  Those times are derived from the
programmed feed rates and distances; known pauses are added, and
mechanical acceleration and deceleration are estimated.  This estimate
should be accurate within a few minutes for most masks.  The same 
computation is done in "maskcut" and an estimate is appended to
the end of the .nc file.
(This option is now the default, use -t to remove the report)

The "ncplot" utility will produce an error message if it detects any
syntactical errors in the .nc file.  It is not as clever at this as
the actual machine tool, but if it finds an error, that should probably
be fixed before using the .nc file in actual mask production.

Observing with your mask:

Your mask(s) will be loaded into the IMACS mask server which can hold
up to 6 masks at a time, each one in a separate frame.  We have several
extra frames, so more masks can be in frames and ready to be loaded;
it does take a while to actually load the masks into the server.
Once loaded into the instrument, the mechanism can change between
them within a minute.

Although we accurately cut and position the masks, and accurately
drive the guiders, there are slight errors in all the mechanical
movements which cause your sky objects to be miss-aligned by an arc
second or so when the guide stars have been properly set up.  An
alignment procedure using a direct image taken to find the reference
objects in their square holes will be used for the final alignment
to get all those objects shining through their slits.  It helps if the
reference objects are of sufficient and similar brightness to allow
this procedure to be done quickly.

Observing Catalog utility:

With version 1.98.36 and later (December, 2005), the maskgen program puts 
a comment in the .SMF file which includes the data needed to make lines in 
an observing catalog 
for a link to the observing catalog format).
To further aid this, a script "obscat" is now included with the
software distribution.  This script takes the names of your .SMF files,
finds the needed comments in them, and constructs an observing catalog
file from them.  In addition to the file names, some flags can be
specified.  The -f<name> flag will allow specification of the catalog
file name, without it the default name is <username> where the
nnn field is a numeric field producing a unique file name.  The -n nnn
flag specifies a starting line number for the catalog, 0 is used as a
default.  The -c<name> field specifies the line name prefix which is
used to prefix the line number, default is null.  The resulting catalog
file may be taken to the telescope, and is useful in automatically
obtaining the correct instrument rotation mode and offset.  An example
command line might look like this:
    > obscat -f -cKDC *.SMF
For online hints, use  "obscat -h".

Cleaning up your mask files:

For each mask, an .obs file is created, and from it the maskgen and
maskcut processes create the .SMF, .obw, .obx and .nc files.  Those files
can be easily removed by using the "mgclean" utility script.  Simply
specifying the name of the .obs file to the "mgclean" script will
allow it to delete the other files.  They may be re-created by running
the maskgen and maskcut applications later if needed.  The ones actually
used for observing should be kept, but tests, wrong guesses, and other
practice files can be easily eliminated by this utility.

The "smdfps" utility:

NOTE:  The "smdfps" utility is NOT AVAILABLE in MAC-OS-X distribution.
This small utility to produce a PostScript file containing a printable
plot of the mask is available, but lightly supported.  It uses the
"pgplot" package to generate a PostScript file with the mask name as
the file name and a ".ps" extension.  Adding a "+n" flag before the
mask name will put object names on the plot adjacent to the features.
Please note that the "pgplot" package must be installed on your machine,
for details on, and instructions for downloading and installing the
"pgplot" package if needed.  (You probably already have it, pgplot is
the most common graphics package for astronomical use).  To check if
you have it, try "setenv | grep -i pgplot"; you should see a proper
definition of PGPLOT_DIR, and it would be good if that definition also
showed up in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH definition.
[The "setenv" command is for the cshell and its variants.  In another
shell, try "echo $PGPLOT_DIR" to see if it is defined.]

Cacherep utility:

The sky map function stores its retrieved star catalog data locally
in a data cache on the local disk, as described [above?].  The data
may be in the current directory, or in the directory named by the
environment variable CATCACHE.  You can also set CATCACHE to be
"/dev/null" to not do any disk caching of star catalog data at all.

As an aid to the user, the "catcache" utility may be used to find
and display this cached data.  It will use the current directory
or CATCACHE just as the sky map does.  The basic command line input
is a file name or more commonly the file number to be examined.
If no file name or number is given, it is prompted for, and if no
name or number is given at the prompt, all available cache files
will be reported.  For a specified single file, or a set of files,
a detailed report of the position, catalog, star count and field
size is given.  For an "all files" request, just an indication of
which files exist is given, or with a "-v" flag, a brief single line
report of each of them is shown.

If desired, the -s flag on an individual entry request will show
the data for all the stars.  This is usually a LOT of data at one
line per star for several thousand stars.  Save it to a file for
analysis, or use the "| more" pipe to look at the first several.

Please Note that we now supply a "faq.txt" file, containing some useful
information and hints for mask design and observing.  That file should
be used to supplement the information contained here.  Also, if you ask
a question which is answered there, you will be reminded that you should
have read the FAQ first -- so please do that now.

If you ask a question which was covered here, you may also be reminded
to RTFM (for "Read The Fine Manual").  This file is updated for most
new releases of the software, and will usually contain the latest and
best information.  Even experienced users (even the author) should
re-read those sections which the distribution letter indicates have
been changed, updated and improved.

Release versions:

Each software release has a release version number, and all the major parts
(intgui, maskgen, maskcut, ncplot) have individual version numbers.  These
are incremented when new features are added, bugs corrected, and other code
improvements are made.  For each part there is a current version number and
a minimum acceptable version number, and these are maintained in a file on
the server.  When any of these software programs
begins execution, it will check over the Internet to find the latest release 
and version numbers.  If the running software is not the current release, a
message will be displayed advising what the current release is, and that it 
is available from  If the running software has 
a version number less than the minimum acceptable, the program may ask if 
it should continue, or may simply exit.  This feature protects users from 
executing software which may have errors, or not be able to produce a mask 
acceptable for observing.  For this feature to work properly, the machine on 
which the software is executed should have an Internet connection enabled.  
Also you may notice a slight network delay at times when starting one of 
these programs.  Also, if a newer or corrected version of a program has 
been provided, a message is given identifying that as a "beta" version, 
newer than the version in the current release.

File checksums and signatures:

Starting with release 2.04, files created by mask generation software
(all the .obs, .SMF, .obw, .obx, .nc files) will have at their end a
comment record containing the release number of the software which
produced them, a checksum of the file content, and an encrypted signature
of the software itself.  This will enable parts of maskgen which read
these files, associated utility programs, and future applications to
verify that the file content is valid, and that it was produced by an
authorized program.  In the future, it will be possible for mask generation
and its associated utilities to produce ugly error messages and even to
refuse to process data files which have been tampered with, or have been
produced by modified versions of the mask generation software.  Please
use only genuine OCIW software, and do not use imitation products.
Full support is only available for problems with files which have valid
checksum and signature present.

The "maskgen" task will refuse to accept any .obs file without a proper
checksum, and "maskcut" will refuse any .SMF file without a valid checksum
and which was not produced by sufficiently recent software.  This is done
so that bugs in older versions which have been fixed cannot continue to
cause problems.  Only "intgui" will read an arbitrarily old input file, or
one with known errors, since it is designed to save a partly created .obs
file and resume editing it later.  Using "intgui" to read an altered file
is permitted, and the latest "intgui" will be able to write a corrected
and acceptable output .obs file.  For those users who wish to use a script
to edit the .obs file directly, using "intgui" with the -r command line 
switch will both read and write the file, and if there are no detectable
errors, the file will be updated without an interactive window needed, 
with a proper checksum and signature generated.

Data File locations:

Normally, one might expect all the data files and the program's configuration
files to simply be in the current directory.  However, that is not always
possible or desirable as the basic data (opticdef.dat, maskcut.cfg, pmap.dat)
is usually kept in the installation directory, and many users want to keep
separate observing projects in separate directories.  As a feature, the
Environment Variable MGPATH is a unix standard path, a colon-separated
list of directories which are searched for input data.  All the basic
configuration files and the user data files read by the system will use
this path to find files which may not be in the current directory.
However, programs will write their output into the current directory or
a directory specified when the file is given.  When an update is made to
an existing file (such as by "intgui"), the updated file is written in the
same directory from which the file was read.  If desired, the output
directory may be changed by selecting the "save as" menu option.
If you get error messages about not being able to find a file, you are
encouraged to define MGPATH to include the directory where such files
may be found.

Further details are in the "config.txt" document in this distribution.

Some definitions:

The term "reference object" is now used for those objects which are used
in the alignment procedure and which have 2 mm. square holes assigned.
Any use of the term "alignment star" should properly be the actual
term "reference object"; they are the same thing.  The term "alignment
hole" refers to a hole in the mask used to mechanically align the mask
in the instrument, not a "reference hole" through which light from a
"reference object" is to pass during the alignment procedure.

The term "guide star" refers to a star which is imaged by the guiders
outside the instrument field of view, and not to an object on the mask.
When the alignment procedure is completed, the position of the guide
star in the guider image field of view is updated, and the automatic
telescope guiding system then maintains the alignment.

Run-Time Libraries needed

As explained in the README file, the mask generation program set
is distributed linked with dynamic libraries.  To properly execute,
you will have to make sure that these libraries are accessible:


Libraries are often found in the /usr/lib/ directory, and will have
extensions of either .so or .dylib depending on the system.  Other
locations (such as /usr/local/lib/) and standard extensions may be 
possible too.  See your computer system manager to make sure these 
libraries are all present on your system, and the appropriate path 
name(s) to find them are defined properly.  If you are managing your 
own computer, be sure to install all of the above libraries (you 
will have the first ones already) in the standard place; they are 
all available in standard linux distributions, but not all are 
installed by default.

Supplement for LDSS instrument:

The mask generation software has been extended to include support for
the LDSS spectrograph on the Clay telescope.  Most of the concepts and
methods used for making IMACS masks are also applicable to the LDSS
instrument.  There are, however, a few differences, described here.


The LDSS instrument has a smaller entrance aperture than IMACS, and this
enables up to 7 LDSS masks to be cut from one mask blank of the IMACS
size.  These sub-masks are cut from the larger blank, and assembled into
the LDSS mask holders.  This allows the LDSS masks to have the same 
curvature as the IMACS ones.  To keep the slits of those sub-masks which are
generated off-center as nearly dimensionally correct as possible, those
sub-masks are oriented with their cross-dispersion direction (i.e. along
the slits) radial on the larger mask blank.  Thus, the small effect of
the laser beam angle with the material's finite thickness is confined to
the ends of the slits rather than their long edges.  These features of
the mask cutting task are the major enhancements to the code necessary
to support the LDSS instrument.

There are also the necessary changes to mask size and detector size for
the LDSS instrument, and we have added an optical model for LDSS to the
optical data file.


The LDSS instrument is implemented as three different instruments, one
for each mode (Normal, N&S micro, N&S macro), following the 
IMACS f/4 and f/2 cameras in the instrument pull-down of the interface
GUI.  When selected, the LDSS grisms are available in the disperser
pull-down.  The other specifications, and the formats of the input
catalog data remain the same.

Each LDSS mask has two indexing holes, and can fit into the mask holder
in only one way.  The holes are of different sizes.

Other differences:

The Clay telescope does not have an Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator
like the one used for IMACS on the Baade telescope.  Thus, any comments
about the ADC for IMACS do not apply to the LDSS.  Also, the selected
"telescope" values depend on the selected instrument.  Some error checking
is done to insure the correct telescope parameter is used; the two
telescopes have noticeably different effective focal lengths.

The labeling of the LDSS masks is slightly different from the IMACS
standard, and will be changing in the future.  One permanent difference
is that the LDSS mask contains a digit showing which sub-mask position
was used for each mask.

The LDSS mask cutting files are labeled in the form, where
the yy is the year, m the month 1-9ABC, dd the day, and nn a sequence
number for files created that day.  These files will typically have
several masks gathered together.

The "maskcut" program will be run giving all the file names to be processed
on the input line, usually by using wild card characters.  Any IMACS masks
will be processed first and individually, then all LDSS masks will be
processed into mask cutting files with up to 7 masks in each file.

There is a -c* option to "maskcut" where * is a digit 1 through 7; this
will limit each mask blank to that number of sub-masks being cut from it.
If there is a problem with the laser machine, this may be used to suppress
the later sub-mask positions, or if it is desired to cut 15 sub-masks,
they may be distributed 5 per blank rather than 2 blanks with 7 and one
blank with only 1 sub-mask.

Early LDSS commissioning issues:

The sky window for LDSS is only a guess at the camera field and guider
field for LDSS.  These will be changed in the future to a more realistic
view.  The sky window view is NOT CORRECT at the present, we know it,
but that will be fixed.

The maskcut program distributed will cut 7 sub-masks.  This appears to
be working correctly.  Users of LDSS should submit mask cutting files.
Check the instructions, when the mask submission software at LCO is
upgraded, it is expected that LDSS masks may be processed to .nc files
at LCO in much the same way IMACS masks are done.

Getting distribution files for other platforms:

The software is compiled and tested at a basic level for all the linux
platforms currently installed at OCIW and LCO.  In the FTP area at
there are files for all these distributions.  These files are currently:
   lsi.tgz          Fedora core 5, 32-bit
   lsx3x.tgz        Fedora core 3, 32 bit
   lsx5s.tgz        Fedora core 5, 32-bit
   lsx5x.tgz        Fedora core 5, 64-bit
   lsx8s.tgz        Fedora core 8, 32 bit
   lsx8x.tgz        Fedora core 8, 64 bit
   lsxrs.tgz        Red Hat 9
   msi.tgz          Mac OS-X, Power-pc
   isi.tgz          Mac OS-X, Intel
As we install new systems and retire old ones, this list will change.
If the file you downloaded does not run on your particular platform,
see if one of the others is closer to what you have, and try it.
All these distribution files are also linked from the web page at:
by the links near the top of the page.  When changes are made, this
list and the web page should be updated to show those changes.

What we are planning for future enhancements:

The current release is a "beta" version, and operates correctly but
is being enhanced with new features.  It is not the final version.

All these programs are under active development, with new features
being added (and the occasional bug swatted) all the time.  These
enhancements are put in and posted for users as they are done; there
is no big release of a new version at some interval.  Once something
has been tested, it is available.

The LDSS-3 instrument uses the Magellan2 telescope, not Magellan.  These
are two similar but different telescopes, differing in their scale by
a fraction of a percent.  This difference is significant at the size of
a normal slit, so use of the wrong telescope is tested in the maskgen
step and a response required if the wrong telescope is found.  Unless you
intend to use the wrong image scale, please change your .obs file if
you receive this message.  

Existence of support for LDSS in mask making software does not imply
that the instrument itself will continue to be available.  When the
instrument is withdrawn, software support may or may not be removed.

Extension of the mask making software to support the Wide Field CCD
instrument on the Du Pont 100-inch telescope is expected.  Support and
documentation will appear in a future release.

The "skymap" window should have the ability to select a new center
position with one or two mouse clicks, to graphically adjust the
field center and access better guide stars.  Actually, it does, but
this might be improved.

A utility to take the input of a .SMF file and produce a .SMF file
with the R.A. and Dec. positions rectified to the specified mask
positions exists.  Its intended use is to allow users who discover an
interesting object in a slit to edit the .SMF file to create a faked
object entry at the mask position derived from the slit specification,
and then obtain the RA/Dec position from that mask position.  This is
still under development, and will become part of the distribution
at a later time.

The source to the whole distribution will be made available and the
signature check will determine authenticity of data files.

A shell script could be created to successively run the "intgui"
task, the "maskgen" task, the "maskcut" task, and the "ncplot"
utility, all on a single mask name parameter.

An easier exit and save sequence should be available.