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File contents

		The Observation file for Mask Generation


Input to the "maskgen" program is a file named "<maskname>.obs" which contains
all the information needed to create a slit mask description.  As a convenience
for the user, a program "intgui" is created to interface between the user and
the .obs file; it acts as an interactive graphical editor for the .obs file,
both viewing and changing most of the things which may be present in the
actual .obs file.

For most use, the "intgui" program may be used to create and edit the .obs
file, and to make a new .obs file starting from an old one.  Only advanced
users should need to consult the internal details of the .obs file.

This document describes the .obs contents first from the point of view of
the user of the "intgui" program, and then the detailed part at the end
describes all the file parameters.

When the .obs file is read, a default valued data structure is created,
and then modified by values read from the .obs file.  Thus, all default
values need not be present in the file, but may be entered without
being an error.

The "intgui" program and its windows:

An ".obs" file is created when the data is saved from the "File" menu
pulldown items.  The file name is taken from the "Observ. file" value.
The first two lines in the file are comments giving the file name, and
the date and program version which wrote the file.

There are comment lines, introduced by "!" or "#" characters.  Some of
these lines contain useful information which is saved.

Most lines in the file are of the form "Keyword  arguments", where a
keyword is present, separated by space or tab characters from one or
more agruments; multiple arguments are also separated by spaces or
tabs.  Keywords are not case sensitive, but arguments may be.

Fields in the "intgui" screen correspond to arguments in specific
keyword entries within the .obs file.

The "Observ. file" is put in the FILENAME keyword, and the "Observer:"
name in the OBSERVER keyword.  Any global comments from the file which
was read to initialize the program are output, and the commentary 
entered in the "Title:" box is placed in a TITLE line entry.  Then the
R.A., Dec., Equinox and "Slit Pos. Ang." entries are formatted into
lines with keywords CENTER, EQUINOX, POSITION.

A comment is added on the rotator flip status.

If present, guide star selections made in the skyview window are
entered as GS1 (principal guider) and GS2 (Shack-Hartmann) lines.

The "Obs. Date:" is encoded later in the file as a DATE line, if it

The INSTRUMENT and DISPERSER lines are generated from the instrument
and disperser selection menus, using the proper optical file names
for these things.  The TELESCOPE is set based on the Instrument
selected; it is very rare that an instrument is moved to a different
telescope, and the program would be modified in that case.

Wavelength ranges are recorded in WLIMIT and possible DLIMIT lines
(if secondary limits differ from primary) and the center wavelength
is put into a WAVELENGTH record.

The slit specifications and uncut lengths are used to create
the SLITSIZE, REFHOLE, and uncut keywords directly.  The overlap value
is used in the OVERLAP keyword if it is not the default value.

Repeat counts for objects and reference objects are used for the
REPOBJ AND REPREF keywords, and the "Ref. Limit:" value is used
in the REFLIMIT keyword.

Priority values for "MustHave:" and "Pdecide:" are set into the keywords
for MUSTHAVE and PDECIDE if they differe from the defaults.

Finally, all the object files in the "Object Files" list are inserted
as OBJFILE lines at the end.

Some former, obsolete or not supported values are passed to the output
.obs file if present in an initial file.  Thise include the keywords

The .obs file specification and internals:

Ordinary users don't need to read further.  Those brave souls who wish to
explore the depths may proceed at their own risk.  Things below here may
not be up to date, might have been changed at different times, and could
well contradict each other.

Any line which is null, that is has no characters before the newline
termination character is ignored.  Any line consisting entirely of
tab or space characters is also ignored.

The characters "!" and "#" are used to introduce a comment anywhere in
the file, however some comments are treated in a special way.
Lines starting with ! or # and having a second character of ".", "-"
or "=" are saved in a comment queue as global comments.  Lines starting
with "!#" or "#!" are saved as pass-through comments, and can be
used in later processes.  These comments are placed in the .SMF file
by maskgen.

After removing comments, remaining lines in the file are parsed for
a leading keyword, separated from the rest of the line by space or
tab characters.  Extra space and tab characters before and after the
keyword and the remaining characters are removed.  The keyword is
shown in uppercase here, but is actually case insensitive.
Interpretation of items following the keyword depend on the keyword
itself, and are described for each keyword.

Following sections are descriptions of the data expected for each
of the possible keywords.  Any keyword found which is not recoginzed
results in an error message.  There are some obsolete keywords which
are recognized as such.

  An observer name, up to 16 characters.  This name is passed on to
  the .SMF file to be used in the mask label.

  The name of the file, up to 8 characters.  This is the name used to
  produce the .SMF file.

  A title, your choice.  Passed to the .SMF file.

  Added to commentary, passed to .SMF file as a comment starting !=

  Currently unused.
  If given, date in form yyyy-mm-dd should be given, numeric only.

  Right Ascension in hours, either hh.hhhh or formats
  Declination in degrees, either +dd.dddd or formats
  No spaces within a field, and free format of : for sexigisimal or
  . for decimal values.

  The coordinate system equinox for the center above.  This is usually
  a standard date (1950.0 or 2000.0) defining the coordinate system,
  or a non-standard equinox.  Used to precess the center position to
  the coordinate system of the star catalog in skyview, and passed on
  for data reduction.

  An angle, in decimal degrees, of field orientation.  A value of zero
  (the default) results in slits running east-west, spectroscopic
  dispersion running north-south, and the principal guider north of
  the field, and Shack-Hartmann guider south.  Positive values rotate
  the spectrograph counter-clockwise on the sky from this orientation.

  First guide star position; separated by spaces there are 3 fields:
  Right Ascension, either hh.hhhh or
  Declination, either +dd.dddd or
  Equinox of coordinate system, decimal years
  An optional catalog number may be present and is ignored.

  Second guide star, same format as first.

  Default slit parameters.  Slit sizes are in arcseconds on sky.
  These are separated by spaces:
  Slit width in decimal arcseconds.  Default 1.0
  Slit length on A side, arcseconds.  Default 6.0
  Slit length on B side, arcseconds.  Default 6.0
  Slit orientation angle, decimal degrees relative to nominal
  direction perpendicular to the dispersion direction.  Default 0.

  Default reference hole parameters separated by spaces.
  Hole width, decimal arcseconds.  Default 5.803 (about 2.0 mm).
  Hole shape code, integer.  0=circle, 1=square, 2=rectangle, 3=special.
  The default shape is square.
  Hole A length and B length.  For circle or square shapes, these will
  be ignored and 1/2 the width used instead.
  Hole orientation angle, decimal degrees.

  Integer value controlling the automatic slit extension algorithm.

  Decimal value of pixels which is the negative of the minimum spectrum
  separation on the detector acceptable.  Default -2.5 requiring a
  minimum separation of 2.5 pixels on the detector.

  Decimal number of arcseconds left uncut on A side of slits, used
  for nod & shuffle operations.  Default is zero.

  Decimal number of arcseconds left uncut on B side of slits, used
  for nod & shuffle operations.  Default is zero.

  Decimal priority value defining objects with numerically less priority
  to be "must have" objects.  Default -2.0.

  Decimal priority value separating the priority algorithm from the
  conflict count algorithm.  See documentation.

  Decimal priority supplement value; effective priority is supplemented
  by this multiple of the use count.  See documentation.

  Obsolete keyword.  Formerly contained the name of an instrument.
  Use the INSTRUMENT keyword instead.

  The name, as found in the optical definition file, of the instrument
  being used.  Spelling must be correct.

  The name, as in the optical definition file, for the telescope on
  which the instrument will be used.  Spelling must be correct, and
  consistency with INSTRUMENT name is checked.

  The name, as in the optical definition file, of the disperser which
  will be used.  Must be spelled correctly, and be consistent with
  the choices available for the INSTRUMENT selected.

  Obsolete keyword.  Use DISPERSER instead.

  Unused keyword.  Should be the name of a filter, as found in the
  optical definition file.  Currently ignored.

  Decimal value of center wavelength in Angstroms.  Only used for the
  IMACS f/4 camera to specify grating angle.

  Two decimal values of wavelengths in Angstroms, used to set the extent
  of the spectra.  If fewer than 2 values are given, they are ignored.

  Two decimal values of wavelengths in Angstroms, used to set the
  secondary spectrum extent.  This is used for detector limit testing,
  and in the Echelle case for spectrum length descriptions.

  Value to control the extra order comparison feature.

  Expected observing temperature, Celsius.  If the value exceeds an
  absolute value of 40.0 degrees, it is ignored.

  Expected hour angle of observation in decimal hours.  Used for the
  differential refraction feature, when implemented.

  Name of a file of objects to be read.  Multiple instances of this
  keyword are expected, and multiple files may be read.

  Integer value of repeat object limit.

  Integer value of repeat reference object limit.

  Integer reference selector value.  See documentation.

  Integer reference object limit value.  See documentation.

  Value to control the IFU support feature.

  For IFU feature, the R.A. and Dec. of the object; in the usual
  hh.hhh or hh:mm:ss and +dd.ddd or +dd:mm:ss formats.

  Used with compiled debug features to create a file of debug messages.

  Integer order number.  Used with dispersers which do not have a
  defined order, usually IMACS f/4 gratings.

  Value to control the gap avoidance feature, when implemented.

  Integer value of MJD for intended observation.  Usually selected
  by pull-down menus in the intgui program.

--- Any keyword not listed will be unrecognized, a message printed,
and other data on the line ignored.