Collection of statistics routines. These are mostly covered by scipy, but if you don't want to install scipy...
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import numarray as num import numarray.mlab as MLab def divz(x,y=1,repl=0.0,out=num.Float32): if len(num.shape(y)) or len(num.shape(x)): if len(num.shape(y)): bad = num.equal(y,0.0) else: bad = num.ones(x.shape)*(y==0.0) not_bad = 1-bad numer = (x*not_bad) denom = (y+bad) a = (repl*bad).astype(out) b = (numer/denom).astype(out) return (a + b).astype(out) else: if y == 0: return repl else: return x/y def mean( x,axis=0): if len(x): return MLab.mean(num.asarray(x),axis) else: return 0.0 def average( x,axis=0): return mean(x,axis=axis) def rms( x,y=None): if len(x) > 2: if y == None: y=num.average(x) return num.sqrt(mean(num.power(num.subtract(x,y),2))) else: return 0.0 def sigma(x, y=None): if len(x) > 1: if y == None: y=num.average(x) N = len(x) return num.sqrt(sum(num.power(num.subtract(x,y),2))/(N-1)) else: return -1.0 def median( x, sorted=0, nullval = 0.0, axis=0): x = num.asarray(x) n = x.shape[axis] median=0.0 if n: if not sorted: x = num.sort(x,axis) if n%2: if axis == 0: median = x[(n-1)/2] else: median = num.take(x,[(n-1)/2],axis) else: median = num.add.reduce(num.take(x,[n/2-1,n/2],axis),axis)/2.0 return median else: return nullval def bwt( x, iter=3, sorted=0): x=num.asarray(x) ns = num.sqrt(len(x)) if len(x)>0: M = median(x,sorted=sorted) else: M=0.0 if len(x) <= 2: S = 0*M else: MAD = median(abs(x-M)) if not MAD: MAD = rms(x-M)*0.6745 if MAD: for i in range(iter): u6 = divz(x-M,MAD)/6.0 omuu62 = num.power(1-num.power(u6,2),2) g6 = num.less(num.abs(u6),1.0) M = M + num.add.reduce(g6*(x-M)*omuu62)/num.add.reduce(g6*omuu62) u9 = divz(x-M,MAD)/9.0 omuu9 = 1-num.power(u9,2) omuu59 = 1-5*num.power(u9,2) g9 = num.less(abs(u9),1.0) S = ns * divz(num.sqrt(num.add.reduce( \ g9*num.power(x-M,2)*num.power(omuu9,4))), num.abs(num.add.reduce(g9*omuu9*omuu59))) MAD = 0.6745*S else: M,S = mean(x),0.0 return [M,S]