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display8 is an IRAF routine to display a mosaiced image from the 8 2048 x 4096 CCD fits files of a given exposure. It works like the IRAF routine display, but displays all 8 chip images with their proper orientation, and the same coordinate system as that employed by mosaic.

USAGEdisplay8 frame buffer [ z1 = lower_int z2 = upper_int]
frame is the set of frames to be mosaiced together
buffer is the frame buffer in which to display
lower_int, upper_int are the lower and upper intensity values to be displayed
PARAMETERSnone; Set the parameters for the IRAF routine display using epar


display8 uses the IRAF routine display to display the full IMACS 8-chip camera image, with proper positions and orientation, in one image buffer. Note that the assembled image is not astrometrically accurate, the 8 chip images are placed immediately next to each other, with no attention to correct chip offsets and rotations. The coordinate system of the mosaiced image is, however, that used by the routines mosaic, apertures, spectral-lines, spectral-map, and adjust-offsets.

The routine mosaic also assembles the images of all 8 chips for display, with the same orientation and coordinate system. Which routine should you use? If your only purpose if viewing the image, use display8; mosaic takes additional time to run, and fills your disk with additional large files. However, if you wish to do anything else with the assembled image (further processing, or examining with IRAF routines such as imexam), or it you are working with binned data or subrasters, you must use mosaic, since display8 cannot handle binned data or subrasters, and IRAF routines like imexam need a real file to work with.

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